Chapter 16: My Underlings are Happy, Haha!

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The moment I won and had my victory, I thought I could be the happiest person on Earth

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The moment I won and had my victory, I thought I could be the happiest person on Earth.

But I remembered, this is the starting point of everything. Hajun Gu, top dog of West Gangbuk High, defeated by a loser, Kim Suhyeon.

"Haha..." I silently laughed as I walked along the hallway, ignoring the stares from other students.

"Hey! Be quiet! She's passing through!" Ah, and I know that line very well. He's going to announce it.

"Huh?! Who is?!"

"Our school's top dog!"

Yep, that's me. Kim Suhyeon, former bullied loser, became the new top dog of West Gangbuk High. Original Suhyeon wasn't comfortable with the attention, he walked awkwardly stiff as if he's about to head straight to his death.

But it's not the same for me. I'm actually unbothered. I can just ignore them and that's it. The only thing that bothers me is the future.

"That's Suhyeon Kim, right?"

"That's the girl who beat Hajun Gu in a fight."

"Our school's top dog."

In the end, I had to go to the restroom not out of embarassment, but because I want to claim the card. "Wow..." Staring at the card infront of me, I almost teared up.

I finally got it!

After all that crap I went through, I finally got a platinum card. It's one level above the gold card, and this is very useful for me starting now and into the future.

"Claim card!" I excitedly beamed, before the system presented the platinum card.

Normal Card - Peek at You
You can take a peek at another person

As expected, it is the iconic peek at you! Original Suhyeon was confused about this card since it's not an attack card. And he also didn't know what it meant by peek, peek at what?

But I know.

A peek at people's stats. I can see their level of strength, speed, potential, intelligence, and endurance. The only problem is I can't take a peek at someone who's too strong.

"I'll try it later." Going out of the cubicle, I left the female restroom and there outside greeted me a familiar face. "Ah, Kuja!"

"Suhyeon. We should go."

I nodded at him. "Right."

He looks nervous, but he still asked anyway. "Are you ready for this?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." It's a good thing he's here with me. Otherwise I'll be stared at by everyone for the entire day!

"Let's go then." He started to walk down the hallway, and I made sure to walk just beside him but...

I looked at him with a smile. "Kuja."

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