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CHAPTER 3 : Payback time

The next morning, Inara arrived at the mansion, surrounded by trees, as instructed by Ayan. A bodyguard approached her, confirming her identity before leading her inside. The opulent interior, with marble floors and chandeliers, made her nervous, her eyes widening as she followed the guard.

As they reached a door, the guard announced their arrival and departed, leaving Inara to enter alone. Ayan sat in a large black chair, gesturing for her to take a seat beside him. She complied, her eyes fixed on him as she asked, "Ayan, did you call me?"

Ayan nodded slightly, his gaze lingering on hers before he began to speak. "It's a really big favor" Inara remained silent, her attention focused on his words.

The atmosphere was tense, with an air of anticipation hanging between them. Inara's mind raced with possibilities, her nerves twisted in anxiety as she waited for Ayan to reveal his intentions.

"I know it's an eccentric request , but can you attend a party with me as a date?" He asked and Inara opened her mouth for a second , trying to form words , but none came out .


"Look, please don't judge. My father is forcing me to marry a girl , and I don't want to deal with any relationships now.  He was setting me up with some random girl , so I lied that I have a girlfriend"Ayan explained.

"And you have none?" Inara whispered.

"Yeah," his voice was low and in disappointment to ask such a thing .

"I could have asked anyone, but you are the only girl in my friends circle who knows me perfectly enough to answer any question which are thrown towards you" Ayan continued his explanation, but seeing her hesitance , he just sighed.

"Look , nobody will know anything. My family is very rich and all the guests will be elites there . There is no possibility of them facing you ever after this night gets over" he tried to pursue her .

"Please-say yess" he said in a low pleading voice and after thinking a lot , she just gave a nod ,"okay" she defeatedly said . She had no choice , she owed him a help .

"Thank you , it means a lot to me ! Now please follow my maids inside , they will help you in getting ready" he said without wasting a single second.

"Right now ?" She asked in disbelief and Ayan hummed.

"Yes , the party is today . So quickly!!" He said and she stood up from the chair.

"Hope there is no revealing dress," she told Ayan who just chuckled.

"Ofcourse not , I even got a matching hijab" he said , as the maids clashed an extremely pretty white gown to her , with a silver embroidery.

"It's so beautiful" she whispered as she stayed in daze staring at that dress.

"Yes , I felt it would be the perfect one for you" Ayan said with a smile, seeing her in his mother's dress .

He knows if Zara knows that he has exchanged the dress with a fake one , she will be angry , but at this point he simply didn't care .


"How am I looking?" Zara asked Zayan , who was using his phone continuously as he sat on the couch .

"ZAYAN!" She shouted and he looked up for a split second , but he kept looking at her in surprise. It was the very first time he saw her in a modest attire , and it was completely out of her fashion . It made him chuckle .

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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