I need My Freeny!!!

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I thought she would come. I literally just crucified myself out there for her telling the entire world to hate me but she didn't show up.

Does she really hate me this much?

Does she really not want to see me ever again?

So that deep Love we claim to have had for each other turned out to be just a fucking mistake to Freen.

I wasn't hoping for much but I just thought our love would be strong enough to overcome anything.

Then why!!!! why is she not running to me right now? I know that I'm the selfish one and she's the forgiving one.

"So why aren't you coming Freeny?"

Why is my Prince charming not running to me right now?

I can't live without her, I really can't. I have tried and tried and tried but there is no happiness without My Freeny.

I want Freen, I need Freen. Without Freen, I swear to God, I am nothing.


I waited in Freen's home for about three hours after my confession on Instagram but she still didn't show up.

And so I just left. if she wanted to come see me, she would have been back home by now. She left with her phone so there's no way she hasn't gone through her phone for over three hours.

Even if it's not social media, I know somebody must have called her or at least texted her about My confession on Instagram but it wasn't important enough. I wasn't important enough for Freen to show up.

Since Freen didn't return or called me after three hours of me posting the story on Instagram, I went back to the hotel and got my things, ready to return home to Bangkok.

On my way to the hotel, I was spotted by fans who started taking photos and posting them online.

They stalked me all the way to the airport. And that's when I realized that I didn't want to go home.

I just wanted to disappear and take out time for myself. I can't be pleasing people when my life was a mess.

So I flew to South Korea instead, after ditching my phone at the airport so as to escape all the drama.

I arrived at South Korea's airport (Seoul)  and discreetly got into a cab heading to wherever is so remote or quiet that I will be hardly recognized.

"FREENBECKY" was a big deal in South Korea also. So I tried so much not to ever be spotted so that nobody would know where I was.

I know that my father will be worried about me. I had no phone with me. I withdrew lots of cash at the Chidlom airport and just fled the country with the cash. So that even my credit card won't be traced

I was worried about my dad but I could care less about my mother and David. They made me lose Freen and so I didn't want to have anything to do with them.

I thought Freen and I would talk things out and at least be friends grooming things from friendship back to being lovers but I guess that is not going to happen because even after seeing my video, she didn't care to come see me, call me or to just send a voicemail.

But I know that in another life, I would be her baby and she'll be my baby too. I would be her "girl" and we will keep all those promises we made to each other.  It would be Freeny and I against the world.

Then we won't fight, we won't keep secrets from each other. We will talk everything through with each other and in that other life, she would stay with me and would never ever leave me.


I have been in South Korea for a month without contacting anyone back home.

I stayed in a local motel for a while before using a fake name to rent an apartment in a very remote area where I won't talk too much to other people.

Of course my family and friends back home must be worried sick about me but I wouldn't even know because I didn't have a phone, laptop or a smart watch to contact them, or see their messages.

I wonder if Freen cares that I've been M.I.A for a month now.

Does she even care enough to know that for about a month now nobody, not my family, friends or fans know where I am? I don't think she knows. I don't think Freen cares about me.

I stayed an additional two weeks in Seoul missing home, missing my  Freeny.

I've been trying to push down the urge of talking to Freeny or at least knowing about what was going on with her but I couldn't keep that urge buried deep.

And so, I went to a local computer centre to surf the internet. Freen is a celebrity so I'll get to see things about her.

The moment I typed in FREEN SAROCHA, the first thing I saw was that she had an accident. A big accident and it happened the day I made my confession video. I also saw a video she made talking directly to me.

"Becky I'm really sorry about everything. I should have been there for you.

I should have read in between the lines when you told me to get out of your house and when you slam the door at my face.

I should have known that you were hurting and that you needed me but instead being as stupid as I am, I broke up with you and left you while you were crying for my help and for me to stay by your side.

Becky, I'm really sorry and I know that saying I'm sorry will not change anything in the past.

I know that saying I'm sorry cannot make up for everything that I did and every single sign you made to me that I could not understand.

But please! Please!! I'm begging you, come back home. I just want to see you, I just want to talk to you. I just want us to be like old times.

Becky I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving my baby alone. I miss my baby so much.

So please baby come to me and let's work things out. I'm really sorry and I really! really!! really!!! miss my baby so much."

I was so surprised. The more I read, the more I became filled with guilt.

She came to me on that day. She called me but the moment I left but home, I switched off my phone so she couldn't get to me.

She must have really not been around her phone for all those three hours that I waited for her after posting the video.

She must really not know what was going on and when she did and wanted to meet with me,

I was already leaving Chidlom. And in a hurry to get to me she got into a very fatal car accident and was in a coma for four days before finally waking up.

And even after waking up, I was all she thought about.

"Becky you're a big fool who doesn't have patience. If you had been patient and waited just for a little while longer, you and Freen would have been together right now."

I rushed out of the computer centre and went to a phone Booth. I wanted to call Freen but I didn't know how to do that.

And so I called the hospital's landline and ask them to direct the call so Freen's hospital room.

She picked up the call and said

"Hello! hello!! who's on the line?" But I was too chicken to respond.

I just stood there not been able to say anything because of the guilt I was feeling inside. I was been eaten up by my guilt. So I just hung up and went back home to cry my eyes out.

To be continued...

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Freen&Becky (I need you more than I want to) S2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora