24: Oblivious

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(A long chapter ahead)

Third person P.O.V

Jeon's mate?

The single association and Taehyung felt his demeanor crumbling down in an instant. The name, he really wanted to wipe it away, and how did the male...

wait, those red eyes!

"I asked something!"

"Stay away. LEAVE ME!" Now, when those soul-eating eyes again shone brightly, Taehyung struggled, confirming that the person wasn't a human just like Jungkook, and it was enough reason to almost break down at the helplessness he was feeling in the strong grips.

The unknown werewolf sneered, his nose almost touching Taehyung's cheek when he hissed, and before the blue-haired could protest, his hoodie was yanked away from his neck, exposing a good area of his skin to the four of them.

"You are... you are, indeed."

Taehyung dreaded when a warm fingertip grazed over his skin, precisely over the 'mark' the Jeon Jungkook had left over his body, the same mark he would do anything to get rid of off but... alas.

"No need for your confirmation, I know it all now." The other three males were baffled and whispered something in his ear, but he pushed one of them harshly, causing him to fall to the ground with wide eyes.

"YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Taehyung felt goosebumps when the male growled, his voice sounding like those he heard that night when...

"And you, little human, must have failed to satisfy his wolf to leave you just like this." The dirty sneer changed into a smirk when the male's eyes roamed all over his face before settling over the fading mark.

"Oh, it's fading away. Would you mind if I renewed it?" Blinking but not letting his red eyes change back to normal, the werewolf softly whispered, his eyes too focused on the mark as if boring into the skin. The other two males who were keeping Taehyung in place exchanged a worried glance.

"What are you planning -" It wasn't even asked properly, and the boy was out of words when he saw the werewolf sinking his canines into the tan skin of the human. 

Taehyung clutched the hoodie paw in his hand when out of the blue the werewolf licked and sank in his teeth into his neck, maybe right where Jungkook had left the mark. His eyesight blurred before he shut them close tightly, not forgetting to thrash his legs or any body part that he could, to get out of the torment. The pain was spreading slowly, but it wasn't like the one he felt when Jungkook did it instead, it felt more dreading, more uncomfortable, and unbearable.

"Le - leave-"

"LET GO OF HIM!" The loud voice of someone rang in Taehyung's ears, and in the next second, those torturous sharp teeth left his skin, which must be bloody by then, and the grip over his body was gone too, resulting in collapsing on the floor.

He couldn't decipher for a good amount of time what was happening in his surroundings, but when he was finally out of it, he saw that group throwing the things from their pockets and leaving the store. The next thing he noticed was that someone was helping him get up and sit on the chair.

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