Chapter Six | Broker

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Elijah stood with his back against the wall and focused. Three of Lamar's men were circling the block in their car, and four more were scouring the rooftops. If he didn't deliver the man's head quickly, he might have another fight on his hands.

"Is that the place?" Zoe asked, pointing to a building with barred windows and steel doors.

The demon nodded and said, "Move when I move."

She sighed quietly in response.

Elijah waited...and when he saw the car full of Lamar's goons pass by, he set his eyes on the building on the other side of the road. "Let's go," he muttered, pulling her with him as he left the alley and hurried across.

When he reached the door, he pushed it open and let get of Zoe's wrist. The place looked like a sheriff's station; a steel wall with a barred window stood ten feet from the door, bounties were pinned all over the place, and through the window, Elijah could see several barred cells at the back of the office-like area.

Someone appeared on the other side of the window. "Can I help?" the man mumbled tiredly, tapping his fingers as he eyed Elijah and Zoe.

The demon slammed Lamar's head on the counter. Then, he took the folded bounty paper from his pocket and showed it to him. "Twenty coronam. I'll take notes," he demanded.

With a disgruntled sigh, the man lifted a hatch and took the head. Then, he disappeared after calling, "I'll be back in a minute."

"So, what now?" Zoe asked, crossing her arms. "Those guys are still out there."

Elijah looked down at his bloody hands and then glanced at her. "We wash off Lamar's scent and that's it."

"And the money? What do you need it so bad for?"

"I told you; to get back what I lost."

"So...guns and ammo? And then what?"

He sighed irritably and turned to face her. "And then whatever I decide," he answered. "Stop asking questions."

"I just want to be in the loop," she complained.

"Here," came the man's voice.

Elijah took his eyes off her and returned to the window. He watched the man place down twenty coronam notes one by one, and once they were all there, the demon took them and stuffed them into the inside pocket of his leather jacket.

"That's one less scumbag off the streets, huh?" the man behind the window said. "How'd you get him?"

"Surprise," Elijah grumbled.

"If you wanna clean up, there's a washroom to your right," the guy said.

Elijah headed into the washroom and washed the blood from his hands. To his relief, Zoe remained silent, and once he was done, he led the way back onto the sidewalk. She didn't ask where he was going; she followed with a scowl on her face.

Daegelus | Volume One: Subject 0333Where stories live. Discover now