Chapter 19. Return To UA

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[POV Change]


UA High

[(Y/N)'s POV]

I stepped through the gates of UA High, a smile on my face as my bare foot landed on the ground. I had a sharp pain stabbing through my left cheek and the bottom eyelid of my left eye, although that wasn't reason the reason for me suddenly stopping in my tracks. My eyes immediately widened, and my smile had gotten wider than ever before. Inside our classroom, there stood Bakugo, who had his hair completely combed and slicked down. I immediately broke into a run, leaving the wind behind as I attempted to get to class to get out all the jokes and insults I had. My eyes suddenly shot wide open with horror, and my running had slowed a bit as I sensed what was happening inside the class. 'No! Those idiots are walking towards the Pomeranian! They're gonna make him fix his hair and make it go back to normal!' I thought to myself as I sensed Kirishima and Sero walk towards Bakugo. A few seconds later, I had sensed Bakugo's hair poofing itself back to normal, causing me to stop running and stand in my place. I dropped my head, staring towards the ground in anguish as all of my insults burnt in flames. "Those bastards!" I shouted under my breath as I sluggishly walked towards the classroom, taking my not-so-sweet time.

When I entered the classroom, everyone was staring at Engine Boy as he stood in the back of the class, making it seem as if he had just finished off a speech, which seemed like something that would be on-brand for him. "(Y/N)! This is no way for a student of the prestigious UA High to return! Why are you late?" Iida yelled at me as he karate chopped the air, ticking me off. I would rather have to go through another training session with Mirko than have to constantly deal with his yelling again. "Wouldn't you like to know, Engine Boy." I told him as I took a seat at my desk, only to have Mina sit on top of the front of my desk while looking down at me. "What happened to your eye? Why do you have a bandaid and bruises under your eye? Ooh, did you get it from a fight with a villain? Who was it?" She asked as she pointed her finger at the area under my left eye, with her finger just inches away from my face. "Ugh, no. I wish. I accidentally let my guard down when sparring with Mirko, and she made me pay with a kick to the face." I answered, faintly hearing Iida yelling at me about my manners in the background.

"What?" Mina suddenly yelled out, anger on her face as she furrowed her eyebrows, and many heads turned towards the two of us. What the hell was wrong with her? "You never told me you were having your internship with Mirko! I'm like her biggest fan ever! I would've asked you to get an autograph or something for me if you had told me!" She scolded, summoning an eye roll from me as the rest of the class stopped looking at us and went along with their prior business. "Yeah, that's why I didn't tell you. I know that you would have embarrassed me one way or the other." I told her while grinning, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "As if you didn't embarrass yourself enough by getting a black eye from her." She rebutted, quickly following that up with enough snickering to fill up a room. "At least I was close enough to her to get a black eye. I know that you can't relate. Oh, and about the black eye. You have a makeup kit or whatever with you, right? If so, then can you cover up the bruises under my eye with the makeup so that my parents don't start asking any questions?" I asked her, desperate not to have to deal with my parents' interrogations today. "Well, I do have some makeup with me, but all of my concealer is pink, so unless you want to look like you're blushing, I wouldn't recommend it. Although, I can ask Aoyama if he has any and apply it to you at lunch." She said while slightly shrugging her shoulders and looking at Aoyama before looking back at me. I was silent for a few seconds, but I then responded with a question about something that I was confused about, "What the fuck is pink?"

Blind Sense (Male Toph Reader X MHA) [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن