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Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung and YN were still sitting waiting for the doctor to come out

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Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung and YN were still sitting waiting for the doctor to come out. It's been an hour since they arrived here but they got no news regarding Jimin.

Hoseok was again about to go home to you know.... But YN stopped him. So, he was here.

~ Oppa!!

Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyung turned to look from here the voice came and saw Gyuri running towards them.

Hoseok's expression changed again. He stood up but YN held him and shooked her head.

Namjoon- Gyuri, you here??

Gyuri- Yes Namjoon. A guard told me that Jimin is in hospital. Why didn't none of you called me??

Taehyung- We... Uhh-- we forget. Sorry Gyuri.

Gyuri- It's Ok. I am glad I am here. And YN, I know we both fought, but that doesn't mean you won't tell me about my brother being in hospital.

She said emphasising the word "My Brother". YN rolled her eyes and said.

YN- I don't like to talk with thrashbags and people who like to kill others. You continue your act infront of Namjoon Oppa and Taehyung Oppa. I am not gonna be a fool like them. 

She said and sat again with Hoseok behind her. Gyuri was about to say something but Namjoon stopped her. They also sat there waiting.

After half an hour, they saw the door opened and a nurse came running towards them.

They all stood up when she approached them.

Hoseok- Is our brother fine??

Nurse- Actually I can't tell the recent condition. The doctors are still treating him. But there is one problem.

Namjoon- Problem? What Problem?

Nurse- I don't know if you know or not. But he was given poison. The same one which was given to your elder brother 3 years ago. The Poison already reached in his blood so the doctors had to take out his blood. But if we do so, then he will not be able to live because of blood loss. So, we need an urgent donor for blood.

She explained. All of them frowned hearing this.

Taehyung- B--but when Yoongi Hyung was given poison, that time you guys didn't needed any blood. So, why now??

Nurse- We gave him blood too but you don't know cause that time we had the blood in blood bank. But Mr. Jimin have the blood group O negative (only for the story) which unfortunately is not available in the blood bank. You have to find a donor for him urgently.

She said. They all looked at each other. Namjoon, Taehyung and Hoseok had a very worried expression.

Nurse- Sir,You all are his real brother. One of you can donate.

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