°˖✧˚ ♡ʚ two ɞ♡˚✧˖°.

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The air was heavy and stifling, the scent of sweat and bleach lingering in the air

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The air was heavy and stifling, the scent of sweat and bleach lingering in the air. The background noise of prisoners' muted conversations was barely audible, as if even they lacked the energy to speak at full volume. The sound of your footsteps echoed down the long and empty hallways, casting a dull and foreboding mood over the already depressing atmosphere. The energy in this place was far from cozy and welcoming, it was as if someone had purposely put a grey filter over everything. Nonetheless, you had grown used to it over time.

you approached Dr Yoshida's office, trying to appear calm and collected as you entered the room. He was sitting behind his desk, his eyes glued to the computer screen as he worked. Without raising his head, he gestured for you to take a seat.

"What's going on?" you asked, your tone sounding more harsh than you pictured it.

He leaned back in his chair, his expression becoming more serious. " Did you know that Bonten just came here today? " He asked.

" I already know about that, I was walking down the hallway and saw a group of guards escorting them to their cells." you reply in a clear voice.

" That's good to hear."
" I called you because I wanted to inform you that we had a change in our schedules, and we switched your night shift to today, I hope you don't mind." he simply declares,

Swallowing dryly, unable to wet your parched throat. Feeling frustrated that you were told in the last minute, another thing you hated about this job; the sudden schedule changes.

" I see, thanks for informing me Dr." you say, your voice dropping to a whisper.

" It's my pleasure." he reply, shifting his attention back to his computer as you get up to leave the room.

As you approach the break room, your mind drifts back to the moment you locked eyes with the prisoner. The memory of his sluggish smile and careless demeanor plays over and over in your head. Despite his criminal status, something about him still holds a certain appeal for you. However, you remind yourself of the danger he poses. He's not just a criminal, he's a murderer and a gang member, and he probably took the lives of many. He could have taken yours too, yet here you are with your stomach still all fuzzy from the encounter earlier, like your body's reacting to some unspoken primal urge triggered by his presence. You must be ovulating.

"Sarah, you won't believe it," you said, opening the door, glancing at her you notice she's in her casual clothes, obviously the end of her shift. Normal it's almost 7pm.

"They switched my shift last minute, and now I'm on night duty. Can you believe it?"
Sarah shook her head in disbelief. "That's crazy, Y/n. You must be exhausted." She says feeling sorry for you.

"Exhausted doesn't even begin to cover it," you replied with a sigh. "I've been running around all day, trying to make sure that the inmates are taken care of.  And now I have to stay up all night too? It's just not fair."

desire, BONTEN X READERWhere stories live. Discover now