first day

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I never thought I'd end up here, but I cant complain. I have always wanted too study in America, but I never even dreamt of New York, and yet, here I am. Of course, I am nervous, but I guess that's what you would expect, moving into a completely new city. 

NY is crazy. the amount of traffic here is crazy! Its my first day at uni and I'm already late.  way to make a good impression. Running is my only option, which I'm not thrilled about. I've always been a big nerd, and hated anything having to do with physical activity, so running is not my strong suit. 

"Careful, jeez!" oh my god. I RAN INTO SOMEONE! I find myself on the floor looking up at an incredibly tall and i must admit, beautiful man.

"here, let me help you" he offered a hand as i clumsily got up from my embarrassing fall. Wow, my year at uni is off too a great start.

"I'm so sorry. I- I'm late for class... I'm sorry- uhm-" I cant stop staring at him. I'm completely zoned out. What the hell is wrong with me? Snap out of it and get away from this guy. 

"its fine. I'm late too. Ill see you later." Whoa. I find myself feeling almost intimidated. His voice sounds so serious and demanding, it makes me even more nervous(if that's even possible).

"okay- uhh bye" I hurried off trying not too make an even bigger fool of myself. I reached my classroom 10 minutes late, and i knew i was screwed. I've heard from my roommate Kris, that this biology  teacher is a real ass.  I try too quickly fix my hair before entering the classroom.

"You're late" Mr. Tate tells me. 

"I know, I'm sorry, the traffic-" 

"I don't care why you're late, all I know is you missed half my lesson. You'll have to stay after class and write down everything you missed." Wow, I guess Kris was right. I mean I know I'm late, but its my first day. Is it necessary to be this mean? 

"okay, I'm sorry." I sit down behind my desk, trying not too draw even more attention too myself. I cant stop thinking about that guy from the hallway. There's no way he's a student here, he's way taller than any of the boys from my class, and he just seemed so.. well i guess mature. He's probably just visiting here. Like for a lecture or something. 

"AMELIA!" i wake up from my daydream, and find that the whole class is staring at me, as well as the professor who was just screaming my name.

"Amelia, would you care too share with the class, what's so important, that you can ignore me in my own lesson?" oh my god, could this day get any worse? 

"Uhh I'm sorry, sir. I was distracted. It wont happen again" 

"Yeah, I hope not. Now can you tell me what chemicals make human tissue regenerate in seconds, Amelia? Or is that not interesting enough for you?" ha! A trick question.

"No chemical can do that sir. Its a trick question" I've known this since I was a teenager. My dad was a huge biology freak, and whilst he wasn't a very good dad, he made it his goal too make sure I knew everything he did, before I was even 16.

"That's right. Okay that's it for todays class. Everyone can go, except for you Amy. Hang back for a bit, I want to make sure you've learnt everything."  it is way to early in the morning for me to be dealing with this bs, but I stay anyway, not wanting to piss of my professor from the very first day.

After a long 20 minutes of being questioned about my biology knowledge, I'm finally free. But of course, nothing can go well for me today. I'm late AGAIN. Because of my post lesson quiz, I'm gonna be late to history class. 

I prepare myself for a load of embarrassment, and trying to save my professor the trouble, I'm open the door and immediately start off with "I know I'm late. I'm sorry, it wont happen again. I was stu-" "Its fine. go sit down." wait, what? I look up at y professor, and OH MY GOD. ITS THE GUY FROM THE HALL. I can not believe my luck today. How is it even possible to start my time at uni with a crush on my professor? EW. 

I go sit down, but the only available desk is super close too the front. 3rd row, to be specific, and that means I'm going to be face to face with the guy i was daydreaming about, just half an hour ago. 

I find out during the lecture, that his name is professor Moore. The lecture is going reasonably well so far. He's not embarrassing me, and he actually seems like quite a good teacher. Somehow his face seems tense, but relaxed at the same time. He speaks like he doesn't have any emotions at all, like an intimidating, deep, single tone voice. Honestly I'd want to piss him off just to see some emotion on his face, to make sure he's not a robot or something.

Finally the lesson is over. Even though he didn't say anything to me, I felt his eyes on me all lesson, like he was trying to stare me too death. Everyone's left the classroom, and somehow he's the only other person in the room with me. Why do I do this to myself. I stuff my books in my backpack, and try my best to leave without looking at him. I fail. He walks up to me before I manage to leave the classroom, and suddenly his huge frame is towering over me. I look up, and he's still got the same emotionless tense expression on his face. 

"You were late to my class, miss uhhh-" 

"Amelia. My name is Amelia. And I know I was late. As I said, I'm sorry."

"You've been sorry twice today already, Amelia. I would appreciate it, if this was the last time." why is he staring into my eyes again? This is weird, its like he hates me already, but if he hated me, he wouldn't be staring at me like this, would he? 

"Yes uhh, I'm sorr- it wont happen again."

"Good. You're free to go. Ill see you tomorrow" I speed walk out of his classroom without even saying goodbye. This day is ridiculous, I just want it to end.

Luckily the rest of my day went pretty well. I didn't run into professor Moore, and did pretty good in the rest of my classes. 

I'm stuck again in this stupid traffic, god, I have got to move closer to uni.

"Oh good, you're home! How was your first day?" No way I'm gonna relive this abomination of a day telling my roommate all about it. 

"Fine. It was fine." I brush her off, grab an apple and go to my room. I am going straight to bed. Hopefully tomorrow goes better.

Hi everyone, this is gonna be a slowburn kind of thing. Also this is my first time writing, so please dont mind my crappy writing style, ill get better, i swear!

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