[Moon and Mercury-centric] Too Late

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-What if Earth actually just managed to kill himself before Mercury and Moon found him?

-You can consider this as a continuation to "Problems Are Better Off Gone," I guess.

-Sorry, I'm feeling lazy to write a much better version than this.. so the writing is a bit sloppy than usual..

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"Wait, what?!" Mercury exclaimed, taken aback to this 'moon revolution' Moon just said.


"Nevermind, let's just keep searching for Earth." Moon just shook his head, too worried to even bother explaining it.

He then flies off ahead of the confused planet. His eyesbrows were furrowed in sheer determination.

Despite still being curious, Mercury decides to just trail behind Moon. It was probably a better option to look for the saddened fellow planet first.

They both looked towards the asteroid belt, which is behind Mars' orbit. No signs of Earth there neither. Honestly, it wasn't surprising at they both aren't best friends anymore.

It was eerily quiet for some reason.. the atmosphere felt uncomfortable. They both rose an eyebrow at this but didn't murmur a single statement about it at all.

Moon could feel himself growing more concerned by the second. What could Earth be doing?

More importantly, where could he be?

"Okay, he's literally not here at all! Where is he?!" Mercury exclaimed, growing frustrated and worried as well.

Moon glanced at Mercury nervously as well.

Earth, where are you?

"What the-?!" The mentioned latter flinched as he dodges an unexpected object dashing past the two of them.

Moon glanced back at it..

"A rocket?" He confusedly watched it fly off.

"That rocket is probably from Earth, he must be close by!" Mercury's eyes darted around to attempt to locate the missing planet.

Meanwhile, Moon was stuck on eyeing the rocket decorated with United States' flag.

Nevertheless, he managed to focus on what he was supposed to be doing and followed behind Mercury.

His lips quivered, a tingling feeling kept ringing inside of his head, as if telling him something was happening.

And it wasn't a good one.

"There is only one thing we can do. We have to go ask the Sun." Mercury sighed.

Moon couldn't help but agree, "fine."

They have probably strode around the Goldilocks Zone multiple times already.

They reached Mercury's orbit.

"Heyy.." Mercury awkwardly greeted the Sun. He mentally prepared for some sort of pun from the star.. however..

The Sun looked drastic, he looked horrified and upset.

The tingling feeling doubled for Moon.

"Uh, hey, are you okay?" Moon questioned, looking up at the huge star infront of them.

Instead of answering properly, Sun just bursted into crying.

"Woah- woah- hey, what happened? Also, did you see Earth?" Mercury blinked a few times, a bit shocked at the Sun's sudden outburst.

However, the Sun said something they didn't expect.

"Earth is gone." He spat out with a shaky tone.

"Wait, what?!" The two exclaimed.

Moon tried to ignore what he thought that meant, "what are you talking about?!"

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-I'm too lazy to write all of that.

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The Sun's explanation only caused Mercury and Moon's distress to extend further and further.

Mercury couldn't believe how everything happened this quickly..

And moon?

Moon was the one damaged much more.

Then, the Sun and Mercury began to hear a sniffle from the now crying Moon.

Startlingly, Moon began to yell.

"I told you he was unstable!!!" He angrily screamed at Mercury, tears threatening to fall from the corner of his eyes.

Mercury could only widen his eyes.

* * *

-Moon is mad...

I wonder how the moon revolution will go now that Earth is gone.. Hmmmm..

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