LEVEL 108 - "Stronghold"

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A/N: Short chapter also I hate writing fight scenes so this is gonna be a pain </3

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A/N: Short chapter also I hate writing fight scenes so this is gonna be a pain </3

Planned to upload this in morning earlier but fell asleep before I could, sorry! There might be some spelling errors still, once again; sorry for that. I'll probably go through again once I'm more awake to fix everything

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The days leading up to when they got the message about when they would attack seemed to drag on.

The classes felt longer than they were before, and Bakugo's incessant complaining about how 'they learned something during Internships' seemed to be louder than usual.

It felt as though was taking forever for the Heroes to find Eri's whereabouts, while Y/n's worry for the girl was eating away at her.

Her only escape was (ironically enough) the League, spending time with Shigaraki was... calming. It was weird, but she didn't question it. He felt similair to how Touya did back then, so all she does is hope it won't turn out the same way.

Y/n sat in bed, staring blankly at the wall infront of her, completely zoned out when—


Y/n jumped, turning towards her phone, her eyes widen at the message displayed on screen, getting up as she heads down to the living area.

After rushing out of bed, Y/n takes the elevator down to see the other four students standing there.

"Did you all get the message?" Kirishima asks, looking up at the other four.

"Yeah." Uraraka confirms, Tsuyu nodding in agreement

"The day we move." Izuku looks down at his phone.

"Eri..." Y/n mumbles to herself.

━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━

"Huh?!" Deadbolt shouts, startled by the news given to them, "The Eri girl is in their stronghold?!"

"By stronghold, you mean..." A hero Y/n doesn't recognize trails off.

"The residence of the head of the Hassaikai." Ryukyu confirms grimly, also looking unhappy with the newfound information.

"What, so our investigations were for nothing?" Deadbolt accuses.

"No," Nighteye denies, "we were able to get new information, as well."

"How were you able to confirm this?" Fat Gum asks with wide eyes.

Nighteye suddenly holds up a girly toy box.

'Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10!'

What. Y/n blinks. It was... odd, seeing Nighteye holding a box like... that.

"A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department store the other day and bought playthings aimed at young girls." Nighteye explains.


"What the hell?"

"Maybe he just likes things like that! There are all types in this world, Nighteye!" Fat Gum tries to reason.

"Anyway, why did you buy one, too?" Fat Gum questions with a bewildered look.

"No, he said something that no one who has that sort of hobby would say— 'Hey, do you have any Glitter something or other toys? The ones little girl's like.'" Nighteye recites, "When I got the chance, I grabbed his shoulder to use Foresight on him. It revealed that he went back and gave the toy to Eri."

"You ended up using Foresight anyway?!" By this point, Deadbolt looks comedically pissed off.

"I believe I said I would use it once we narrows it down so that we could be sure." Nighteye recites.

"Anyway, this means it's been decided, right? We know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts." Fat Gum adds.

"We also worked with the police to get a warrant!" Bubble Girl exclaims energetically, "All that's left—"

"— Is to get in there!" Fat Gum finishes.

"He took my line!"

"..." Y/n stares at the ground for a moment before slinking towards the back of the room, the metal wall cold against her back as she takes out her phone.



We're raiding Overhaul's
base today

I'm going to be there mostly
as Restart

Let Himiko and Twice know


ill send them a


Gotta go now, don't want
to seem suspicious to the


Y/n sighs, shutting her phone off as she leans against the wall for a moment, thinking over everything before pushing herself off.

[ SAVE ]

If she fails this, she can just try again.

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