The Boy

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Ring ring....ring ring....
"Kichu don't you hear the alarm ringing get up and go to school it's 9 am already. hmm he has an exam today, he don't care .He is the only son we have what will we do if he didn't pass the exam. I can't imagine that.KICHU DID YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID GET UP AND GO TO SCHOOL ALREADY". Kichu get up hesitantly "what a pain" he looked at the time "it's only 9 why is mom getting angry". He looked at the time once more and realised."Oh no I have an exam today" He brushed his teeth hurriedly,put his uniform and rushes to the school.yeah you guessed right he didn't bath and didn't eat the break fast.
He reached school at 9:20. Are you wondering how he reached so fast because the school is only 500 meters away from his house. Yeah he is that homie who lives near and come late. what a lazy bastard! "Hey mind your words i am not a lazy bastard I just.. can't wake up early".N*gga that's called lazy.
"Ahem let's put that aside I haven't introduced me yet my name is Abhinand you can call me kichu and I am a-" lazy bastard. "Shut up you asshole why are you here any way!" Iam here to narrate the story,do you have a problem with that? "Yeah I have. Isn't it my story I will narrate it myself you shut up and get lost." okay i am going now but remember you'll need me sometime. I'm not sad or anything just saying. "Okay okay don't go you can just say the context and situations." Okay thanks I mean it.
"Okay now get lost. once again ahem my name is Abhinand you can call me kichu I'm 17 years old and welcome to my YouTube chann- sorry welcome to my story. If you're wondering with whom I just talk yeah it was the narrator of the story. I just don't like him it's my story so I'll just tell it myself. It's not 4th wall braking or anything." That time his friend Anudev came to the hall and called him. "Hey Abhi!"
"Hi Anu first of all did you studied anything?"kichu asked. "No man but I think I'll pass." Anu replied. "Ho! I'm relieved i thought I'm the only one who will fail thank God!" Kichu said jokingly.
" Haha nice joke. Any way where is the other two idiots." "I don't know. I think they'll come before exam starts." At the same time he said that the other two came. "Where were you two shitheads?" kichu asked them both.Their names are Abhinav and Ajay. "We are not near to school like you pighead. Anyway do you studied anything." Abinav said. "Yeah I studied everything then I studied my neighbour boy's second standard textbook get lost stupid." Kichu said sarcastically. "Ah! I swear if you say any more shit jokes like this I will pull out your tongue." Anudev said with anger. "Okay okay jeez." The bell rings. Exam has started. Today he has biology exam. So guys now I'm telling the story, to be frank it will be boring so please deal with it. So where do I start?
I was a great extrovert who constantly irritates people from childhood. I remember some times they said 'can you shut up for atleast a second', seriously they couldn't bear me. But all that changed last year. You guessed it right it was a girl. Be ready to hear my broken boring love story. It was around 9th standard I've seen her for the first time. My eyes clicked her photo faster than a humming bird's heartbeat. I clearly remember that day I can't pay attention to anything even my friends calling me shit head. In my mind all was her face.
It was because of her that I started going to school regularly. I gotta thank her for the attendance I got so I collected all my strength and remembered all my ancestors who died with the regret of untold love and approached her to say the three words 'I Love You'. Did You thought it was easy? At that time I called her and she asked me "what is it" I was going through a mental war. What if she slapped me?what if she already have boyfriend? What if she's a lesbia- sorry it wasn't popular at that time. Any way I was sweating a lot and instead of confessing my love straight I asked her name which was good because it would have been awkward if I didn't know her name.
Yeah I didn't know her name. "Aditi" She replied. Man I love tension! "Aditi" What a beautiful name! And the next thing I asked her was 'How are you?' she replied "I am fine.. I guess." Then I said okay and walked away. Forget what I just said fu*k tension. Ahh I felt really awkward. From the next day I was hiding from her. At the time she looks at me I'll disappear. One day she found me, I was starting to run but then "Stop!" she said and came to me "why are you running all the time when I look at you?" " Ahh..what are you saying? I didn't run." I replied with smile. She came so closer to me and said "Are you lying to me." I was shocked and moved back and said "No I'm not."
"Mm.. anyway it was nice meeting you. Bye. Oh! I just remembered you didn't tell your name, what is it?" she asked to me. "Ahm..Abhinand." "Then bye Abhinand my friends are waiting" she replied and left. Ohh that feeling so many birds came out of me and flew away. From that day she started talking to me every day and I kept falling for her every day. Then we become best friends. Years passed we completed 10th standard and passed to 11th. In the new class first day
I was searching for her more than my friends. Fortunately she was in my class. Our friendship continued. I felt like the most happiest man in the whole world when I talking to her. But I didn't had the courage to tell her my love. Months passed it was around middle of winter I think, all of a sudden she stopped talking to me. First I thought she must be shy because there was already a rumour that we are a couple. I tried to approach her multiple times but she avoided me. When I talks to her she suppressed our chat with only two or three words. Days passing her smile disappeared more like she forgot to smile at me. Only me. That smile of her was the only thing that kept me living. Can you imagine that the thing that you're living for suddenly disappears? I can't express the pain I felt that time. But I calmed myself believing that she has a good reason to do this. The next day me and my friends were chatting about something then our main newspaper Abhinav came and said "do you know guys Aditi have a boy friend. It's been weeks why we haven't heard about it sooner though"
"Realy man I don't know that hey Abhi didn't you and her are friends do you know about this? Abhi.. Abhi.. what happened to him? Hey.." Ajay asked to me and called me several times. But I can't hear their calls. The thing Abhinav said kept repeating in my head. At that day I couldn't sleep. All that I wanted to know was 'Why?' I mean it's okay to be in a relationship while having male friends but why did she avoided me. We can be just friends even she have a boy friend. Was all that fake. All these questions were rotating in my head so one day I went to her "Aditi can you please come here for a moment." I saw her face when I called her it was like why this garbage calling me look. She came to me and asked "what is it" just like where it all started.
"Ahmm.. it's nothing serious. I just wanted to know that why did you suddenly stopped talking to me. Did I say something wrong to you? The thing is that we usually talked so much and I kinda miss that so ahh you know." At the time I asked her this I was hoping for a reply that is she didn't have time. And the next time she says it I want to confess my love to her. I don't care if she have a boy friend or not. I just wanted to inform her that I love her more than this universe.
"Ahh.. that! Abhi I think you know about my relationship with ***** he doesn't like me talking to you, so please don't talk to me from now own. To me he is precious so.. you know what I'm saying."

These words sure were unexpected. Is that so.. ahm okay. Then bye.. I said to her with a smile that I never forget and walked away. I can't believe that all of it was fake. I even saw her looking at me in the middle of the classes multiple times. So all that was my imagination. Well I don't blame her all was my imagination I am the biggest stupid in the world. From that day onwards I was like a soul less body. I can't pay attention to my studies and hardly passed 11th. To mention I was a topper till 10th. I lost all that and felt very lonely. Slowly I became an introvert. But some how that felt really good and I loved being introvert. When 12th started I became a new person and forgot about all the shity things happened to me. Man that was hell a year for me. 12th gave me the best school experience. I was enjoyed a lot with my friends. I don't think I can experience all these if I were in relationship with Aditi. And that day I realised so many things the first thing was all the things have it's time if we didn't do that on time it will be hell of a regret for our entire life. The second one was love is like a disease. The one who loves hallucinates so much he will even injures his families for love and he sure dream a lot about his relationship at the time he realises it cannot achieve he will lose himself. The last one was really not a realisation but a decision 'I will not fall in love ever in my life.' And here I am writing my final exam. Man time sure goes fast. I really wish I had the power to control time. Anyway thanks for hearing my boring story.Oh man why the exam is not over yet? Suddenly his body feels heavy. At first he thought it was because he missed his breakfast but then his body stopped moving."what happened to me all of a sudden? Why i cant move my body?" He tried to rotate his head with all the strength he have but that did not worked. "Is this some kind of joke? Wait! Am i dying? God I accept my fate, take me from this fu*ked world. Wait what about others?" He nicely moved his eyes to the left and looked at the boy next to him, he was not moving either. "So i am not the only one who cant move. What really happened to us." Suddenly some kind of a light appeared in the corner of the hall.

- to be Continued

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