Chapter 26: Leave the Lackeys to Me

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What a beautiful day

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What a beautiful day.

I'm sweating, tired, and dying. If possible, I'll lay down the pavement and roll away, waiting for a truck to end my twisted transmigrated life.

But no, being suicidal shouldn't triumph over anyone's life. Hyeondong's in trouble, and I finally understood why I felt bad when I tried not to follow along the plot to rescue him.

It's not because of the plot. It's because of my morals. Doing an action for the plot without thinking how it will affect others is a different case from not doing an action from the plot despite being able to help someone.

I ran like a madman, in the middle of the road I feel the need to hop like a toad. And what the fuck, why am I suddenly poetic?

"SYSTEM!" I yelled in frustration, seeing how pointless it is to run around without any clue. "Help me out, will you?! I need a literal GPS in here!"

In a blink, I suddenly saw arrows pointing at a certain location. I sighed in relief. "Thank goodness you still have conscience."

Mentally counting how long it took me to reach the place, I saw the familiar exterior of the building where they took Hyeondong.

Rather than go inside straight up, I decided to be a little sneaky. I managed to get close to the door, before peeking inside to see how many they are.

I'm in a rush, okay? I didn't get to reread this part, so I'll be engaging in a battle where I can't rely on the plot anymore.

"Hyeondong Lee of West Gangbuk High." Oh wow, what a good intro I caught up with. "You're pathetic, you know that?" And they even went straight to the point.

I can't exactly see Hyeondong, but I'm sure he's somewhere in there, finding it difficult to stand up after getting ganged up.

"You were Hajun Gu's lackey, and now you've aligned yourself with Suhyeon Kim?"

That's what I thought back then too.

"If someone were to beat High Heel Suhyeon, you'd go around kissing that guy's ass next, huh?" The East gangbuk guy with bangs that made him resemble Nobita intended to insult Hyeondong, but he's unfazed.

" a clever bird is particular about the tree upon which it builds its nest...a wise general is particular about the sovereign for whom he lays down his life."

I stared at him in awe, scratching the back of my head. I'm not really sure what it meant, I know that but at the same time I forgot.

"Clever...what?" See, even the dumb students of the East only remembered the word clever, perfectly contrasting them by the way. "This bitch is smart enough to go to college."

They're not wrong. Before they got to recruit Jihyeok Jang, it was Hyeondong who stood as the brain of the West.

"I was simply selecting the right tree." I snapped out of my thoughts, focusing on Hyeondong's next words to see if it still remains the same according to what I can remember. "I have finally found the sovereign I am to serve."

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