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The France trip was sadly, finally coming to an end. The two weeks flew by so fast.

Garrett didn't speak to me until we were forced to speak at dinner two nights later. I even agreed to show him a few tricks the next time we all do something like this again.

Next time.

It gives me a happy feeling kind of knowing that he wants to do something with me. And Matt; If he didn't come, we'd probably end up ripping each other's heads off.

My clothes were all packed up and I was ready to head back to reality, sadly. But now there were only a few weeks until school started back and I needed to meet some friends or something so I didn't look like a total loser whose best friends are her brother and some guy who lives with him.

As amazing as that sounds, I think I'll pass.

Our flight back to California was at nine, so we needed to leave here around six to head to the airport.

They had a small skiing and snowboarding contest going on today so we would probably go check it out or something today. Or just sleep in, and do nothing all day. Either is good with me.

It's way too quiet around here. Normally this early, there is a ruckus coming from the kitchen or very loud obnoxious laughter.

I put my suitcase and belongings by the front door, then went to go find the boys. I finally found them 30 minutes later, flirting with some girls at the coffee shop. "Um guys, is your stuff all packed up and ready to go?" I asked questionably.

"Shit. Thanks for reminding me, I have to go put my boots back in my suitcase, they're on the back porch. Thanks, Jess." Matt gets up from the table and leaves the two of us alone.

I itched my forehead nervously standing there next to Garrett. I sat down in the seat where Matt was sitting and looked up at the mountains. I sighed, laying my head down on the table. "What's wrong?" Garrett asks, curiously.

"Nothing, it's just that this place is so relaxing and comforting. I so don't want to go back to reality and blazing hot weather."

"Oh, I feel you. You can't do stupid shit like you could here because everyone knows you back home but you can moon everyone here and you'd never see them again."

I laughed. Garrett can make anyone's day brighter with his jokes. We just sat there for a few minutes enjoying the nice breeze.

My phone buzzed signaling a text. "Wait. You have friends?" Garrett asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You got a message for once!" He exclaimed, raising his hands in the air.

"Funny, but no, It's from Matt. He said we need to come back to the cabin." He immediately lowered his hands and rolled his eyes at me.

We got up from the cafe and walked back to the cabin. "You seriously need to get some friends when we get back home, you are not sitting with us at the lunch table." He put his arm around my neck, casually.

I looked up at him "As if I would sit with your friends! I bet all you guys talk about is sports and girls." I cringed.

"That was spot on."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, when school starts don't forget to tell all the guys at the lunch table how I kicked your ass in snowboarding." I winked and ran back to the cabin, leaving him behind.

I opened the door and felt happy. I swear, I hate boys when it comes to dating, but they are good friends. I love guys as best friends because you don't have to worry about them stealing your boyfriend and starting drama about you.

I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it down the stairs. I set everything next to the door and almost felt like crying. I do not want to leave this paradise. Maybe if I don't leave, I won't have to go back to reality.


I sat on the couch in the living room throwing up a random tennis ball I found lying around. Life is so boring when you don't have friends. I should go meet someone, but how?

Do I just go up to someone and be like, "Hi! My name is Jessica and I like spaghetti and tanning on the beach."

Maybe I can get Matt or Garrett to help me meet someone.

I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I groaned and pushed myself off of the couch to see who ruined my doing nothing day.

I opened the door and a girl was holding a German shepherd puppy. It was my favorite dog breed because they produce the most beautiful dogs in the world. The girl cleared her throat and said, "Uh, hello. Is this the Walker residence?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I'm Savannah. Savannah Joy. Is Matt here?"

"I'm Jessica, Matt's twin. And no, he is at the beach. You're welcome to wait, he shouldn't be long." I stood to the side of the door so she could come in.

We walked into the living room where we sat down on one of the couches and I began to pet the puppy. I have always wanted one.

"So, what brings you here today?" I ask.

She hesitates before she answers, "Well I have something of Matt's and I needed to give it to him."

"Do you go to school with them?" She nodded her head, "What grade are you going into?" This isn't supposed to be 21 questions.

"I am a senior, how about you?"

I smile, "Same here! Yay, I finally know someone in my grade."

"Oh yeah, you are new here. I need to show you around!"

"Yes. Please that would be great. Boys aren't very good tour guides."

"I know what you mean. Here give me your phone so I can add my number." I gave her my phone and she typed in her number.

Another voice interrupted us, "Hey Garrett will you please take a picture of this? Jess is talking to a female.

I rolled my eyes as I spoke, "I hate you guys."

They both laughed. "Hey, Sav."

"Hey, Matt. Um, can I talk to you?" Then she looked at me and the dog, "Will you watch him for me?"

I nodded and Garrett came over towards me and sat on the couch. "Who's this little guy?" He rubbed the dog's tummy.

"I'm not sure. Savannah had it with her when she came in."

He raised his eyebrows. Matt came into the room without Savannah, I got super confused.

"Where did Savannah go?" I ask.

He shrugs, "She left."

"But I still have her dog?"


"What? Wait- You mean that this is my surprise?"

He nodded. I squealed and jumped up from the couch and hugged him. "Thank you. thank you. thank you! I love you so much!"

He laughed. "No problem. This is the present I promised when you got here, but I decided to wait until we got back from France so it would be easier."

I had the biggest smile on my face. I scooped the puppy into my arms and hugged him tightly. "Well, what should we name him?" I asked.

"I like either Boomer or Captain," Garrett said.

"Those are perfect. I like them both. Let's see which one he likes more."

"Captain!" I called, he turned his head, confused.

"Boomer!" His ears shot up and he did a baby bark and charged at me.

Welcome to the family, Boomer.

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