2. Ocean Blue Eyes

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".... Talia! Get up! "

"Mom said you're late!"

"Natalia! You little cockroach! Get up!"

Why was I hearing a kid screaming by my name? Maybe some neighbor's kid appeared in my dream I thought.

"What the- oh my God!" I jumped off of my bed with a pillow as my ass met the cold floor with a loud thud.

Someone splashed a blatant amount of water on me. I was totally fucked up.

I rubbed the water off my face with my palms and tried to open my eyes. But they were burning like hell. A few moments later of rubbing and blinking, I finally managed to open my eyes and looked ahead. Ellerie was standing in front of me with a small bucket while laughing his hearts out.

"What was that?" I asked blankly.

"A full bucket of water." He giggled.

Amazing! God this kid's gonna give me a heart attack one day!

I rubbed my eyes again to see clearly, it was a sunny day though the sky wasn't so clear.

"You know what, I know some cockroaches. They love to snatch toys from naughty kids like you. I'll tell them about your remote controlled car." I snorted.

"What! NO! MOOOOM!" He stormed out of my room in one blink.

Why does he always overreact?

I shrugged and walked into the bathroom. I looked at the sink mirror but God I looked more pathetic than a beggar who sleeps on the street. My silky long hair looked like a bird's nest. I always braided my hair before sleep but the previous night I was so scared to do anything after hearing that news.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly because it was already 8:30 am and my class was at 9. I made a ponytail bun of my naturally wavey long hair. I changed my nightgown and slipped into a white loose shirt and grey jeans. I quickly grabbed my backpack which I luckily packed last night and ran downstairs.

"Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning, my little princess." Dad smiled.

"Mom, tell her something! She wants to give my favorite remote controlled car to that awful cockroaches!" Ellerie looked at mom with puppy eyes.

"Stop your crocodile tears, little bro. You splashed a bucket of water on me! And you ruined my mattress!" I complained.

"Don't act like a child Talia. You're already late." Mom shook her head.

"Oh yeah." I shoved an egg in my mouth.

Mom glared at me.

"Dad let's go. We're late!" I mumbled while struggling with the egg in my mouth.

I grabbed an apple and ran behind dad as he walked outside. We got into the car and dad started the engine.

"You have to wake up a bit early, princess."

"Yeah. Oh no, it's already 8:45! Dad, drive quickly!" I widened my eyes as I looked at my wrist watch.

"Don't worry, we'll reach in time." Dad chuckled at my reaction.

Ten minutes later we had finally reached in front of my school so I quickly got out of the car.

"Bye, dad."

"Bye, princess. Take care."

I ran towards my classroom and luckily my teacher hadn't arrived yet. I sighed in relief and walked into the classroom.

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