Chapter 7

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Elon chuckles softly, his eyes scanning the paparazzi outside. "Don't they ever get tired?" he quips, his voice laced with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

Taylor huffs, her frustration evident. "I swear they have a secret clone factory or something. It's like they're always lurking around, ready to capture every moment of our lives."

Elon smirks knowingly, giving her hand another gentle squeeze. "Well, Taylor, I guess we can't blame them for being intrigued by our epic Minecraft adventures and newfound connection. But don't worry, I've got a plan."

Taylor raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh, do tell, Mr. Musk. How do we escape this eternal paparazzi nightmare?"

Elon leans closer, his voice dropping into a conspiratorial tone. "Well, my dear Taylor, I happen to have a secret underground tunnel system that leads straight to my spaceship. We can fly to a secluded island where the paparazzi dreams are crushed, and we'll be free to continue our date without interruption."

Taylor's eyes widen in surprise, a mixture of excitement and disbelief. "You're kidding, right? You actually have a secret tunnel and a spaceship?"

Elon grins mischievously, his gaze filled with playful determination. "Trust me, Taylor, when I say I can do anything, I mean it. And if it means whisking you away from the pesky paparazzi, then consider it done."

Taylor laughs, her shyness fading away momentarily. "Alright, Mr. Musk, let's do something crazy and out of this world. Show me your secret tunnel and let's fly away to our own little paradise."

Taylor's heart races as Elon leads her through the backdoor of the restaurant, the anticipation of their escape growing with each step. The adrenaline combined with the excitement in her veins, making this unexpected adventure even more exhilarating.

Elon pulls out his phone, a sly grin playing across his face as he taps away at the screen. "Don't worry, Taylor, my car is not only electric but also autonomous. Time for a little magic trick," he murmurs with a touch of mischief.

As if on cue, a sleek black Tesla glides silently towards them, stopping just a few feet away from the back entrance. The car's doors open automatically, inviting them inside. Taylor's eyes widen in amazement as she realizes the car will drive them away without needing a driver or drawing any attention.

"You really think of everything, don't you?" Taylor remarks, her voice tinged with admiration and astonishment.

Elon chuckles, guiding her into the comfortable seats of the car. "Well, if anyone understands the need for clever problem-solving, it's you, Taylor. Now, buckle up and enjoy the ride."

With that, they settle into the luxurious interior of the self-driving Tesla, the doors gently closing behind them. The car glides away smoothly, blending seamlessly into the traffic as if it were just another common vehicle. Taylor steals a glance at the paparazzi outside, who seem none the wiser, their attention still fixed on the restaurant.

As they speed away from the paparazzi, giggles escape Taylor's lips and a sparkle of excitement dances in her eyes. "You know, Elon, I never thought evasion could be so exhilarating. Who needs a glamorous red carpet exit when you can have this?"

Elon grins, his eyes reflecting a mix of satisfaction and camaraderie. "Exactly, Taylor. Sometimes, the best moments are the ones that take us by surprise. It's just you, me, and the open road. No cameras, no prying eyes. Just the freedom to be ourselves."

As the car glides through the city streets, Taylor leans back, a sense of relief washing over her. In this moment, worries and overwhelming thoughts dissipate, replaced with a sense of adventure and freedom.

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