36: His hyung

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung hummed, finding himself at the mercy of the wolf who was busy sniffing his neck, making his toes curl at the strange feeling all over his body... his mind getting shut with every passing second when the scent was clouding it completely. He couldn't hear what Jimin was saying to him, more like yelling at him or when someone entered the house. All he could focus on was the loud growl that erupted from the wolf's mouth, almost shaking his whole frame.

"Hyung! Help him!" Jimin shrieked once Jin and Yoongi halted at the view. Their eyes held nothing but terror. Since Taehyung was known to Jungkook, they were just getting surprises one after the other. One of them was now the wolf, was in Rut! Something he never let out in the previous years. Something he endured as much as he could and never let anyone even know about it. But now...


The wolf growled at the disruptions and unwanted presence in his territory when he was about to mark his mate all over again, which definitely made his scent sour.

Jin took a deep breath and aimed the gun to shoot the wolf just like the previous times, but the difference was, that it never happened during day times, and on top of that, never in wolf form.

"Sire, calm down, please." Yoongi tried, keeping a distance from the growling wolf. Taehyung lay in a daze beneath the large wolf that howled when Jin stepped a bit forth.

It all happened in an instant when the whole room almost shook as the wolf jumped over Jin and got shot before he could harm the older male, but what made them all more alert was that one shot wasn't enough to take him down.

The wolf still had the dart on his neck when he howled in pain, or maybe in anger before jumping back at his mate, who didn't even flinch, laying there limp.


The wolf almost bit the human right there if it wasn't for another big wolf to tackle him down while Jin shot him twice, which finally worked, and Jungkook's wolf toppled away. Loud growls filled the house, and they all watched with shocked yet sad eyes when the wolf tried to reach his mate, who was now sitting on the couch with wide, terrified eyes at the view.

Taehyung breathed heavily when the wolf made its way to him and nuzzled his stomach with its snout before its big body slumped down on the floor, making him gasp.

"We need to lock him in the room!" Yoongi was already coming to help Jin while the other wolf went away to the side to come back in human form, and now Namjoon was standing there with a robe covering his glistening body.

"Jimin, take Taehyung to the other room." Taehyung heard Jin telling Jimin, but he felt too out of it to react.

What the hell just happened?!

Jungkook's wolf tried to bite him? Was it an attack? A warning? But the gentle nuzzling said otherwise.

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