Chapter 51: Tales and Tails

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Toren Daen

I mentally turned the page of my book, nearing the end. It hung in the air in front of me, a white outline holding it aloft. Nearby, another book floated in front of an invisible reader, drawing an odd stare from the random people who walked by.

I was in the West Fiachra Library, reading up everything I could find on the Relictombs. I'd discovered a lot of useful information over the past few weeks: the average placement of exit portals and convergence zones, signs a zone might contain a relic, and protocol for certain scenarios.

This last book, however, had been filled with nothing but conjecture. Maybe the Relictombs could create relics on the fly. Maybe the zones used to house intelligent life. Maybe the ancient mages were still operating the Relictombs from the shadows.

Granted, it was a book on theory, not proven fact. I was running out of resources here.

Nearby, Lady Dawn's shade read through another text about the cosmos. She didn't seek out many different tomes as I browsed the library, even though she was spoiled for choice.

I turned a page of her book with my telekinetic rune, having long ago gotten an intrinsic sense for when it was needed.

I sighed, floating my book down to the table in front of me. The hardwood was covered in pages of scrawled notes, a litany of information I thought important to write down. This was what I did most of the morning each day. In the afternoons and evenings, I ventured into the Clarwood Forest to adapt to my new abilities and weapons.

And it was almost time to actually apply for an ascender's badge. As I'd read in my books, the test I would take would differ depending on whether I registered as a caster or striker.

That was something I was still debating. My spellform was that of a caster, but my abilities revolved around fighting in the close and medium range. I could be either-or, but I was leaning toward striker.

"What makes you so intent on these Relictombs?" Lady Dawn asked from over her book, meeting my eyes. She remained quiet most of the time, but I guessed my single-track focus of the past few weeks was bound to raise curiosity in even the most patient of asura.

I need power if I am to fight the Anchor, I replied over our link, organizing my notes with the assistance of my telekinesis emblem. I'd gotten far better telepathic communication; masking my emotions and conveying exactly what I wanted. And even if I wasn't aiming to fight such a powerful foe, I need a safer place to practice my abilities. The Relictombs provides the best place for that.

Lady Dawn tilted her head. "I fail to see how this warrants such intense research," the phoenix replied, her eyes roving over the papers I was trying and failing to make into a manageable stack.

I paused, wondering how I could best explain. I'd given her a basic rundown: the Tombs were a multitude of interlinked pocket dimensions that were designed to test prospective mages.

They react differently to some individuals, I answered internally, finally managing to pull together all my notes. I shouldn't expect them to treat me any differently than your random Alacryan, but I don't know. I know they can detect those of djinni descent, so I should be safe. I ran a hand through my hair, which was starting to get a bit long. This is just really stressful, so I've been overpreparing.

The phoenix stilled, her eyes narrowing. "These tombs react to those with the blood of the djinn?" she asked, a strange note to her voice.

I looked up. Yeah. They're semi-conscious. Or something close to that. It's not really clear. But they're searching for a descendant to pass down their knowledge to. I stored the papers in my dimension ring, scanning over the table to make sure I hadn't missed anything. So it really should ignore me, but I'm a bit paranoid.

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