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The sound of blade clashing upon blade echoed on the wind, passing between the mountains, flowing along the river. The darkened sky flashed with unnatural lightning, as blasts and explosions of magic disrupt the flow of nature. The smell of fire and ash wafted across the land for miles on end. It was the foretold day of legend.

Deep in the land of darkness, The Hero of the world clashes with The Demon Queen. Their battle had been going on for hours, their war even longer. The Hero had finally gathered enough power to defeat The Demon Queen once and for all.

Yet, The Queen continued to fight, relentless in her assault. She would not succumb, she had come too far to fall now, just as she was about to accomplish her true goal. Battered and bloody, she now fought even harder than she had ever done before.

The Hero was also struggling. Just as The Demon Queen was, he too also fought with all his might. Never before had he faced a foe this powerful, this tenacious, this stubborn. He had to utilize every tactic, every strategy, every trick in the book just to stay in the fight.

He felt something that he hadn't felt in a long, long time. Fear, stress, fatigue, anxiety...and excitement.

Their blades clashed, sending sparks flying. This battle was their battle, all others long since exhausted or too wounded to continue on.

Despite being down to the last of their strength, their stamina, their Mana, they still fought, relying solely on their own physical endurance and skills.

The Hero's party members could do nothing but watch as the two clashed. From their perspective, it was as if the two of them were God's fighting for control over the world.

The Hero unleashed a flurry of attacks with his heroic blade. The Demon Queen attempted to block his attacks, successfully blocking all his attacks. All but one that is. The blade found its mark, slashing The Queen in her side. It was from this one strike the Hero knew that The Queen was tiring. This battle would soon be over.

Mustering up the last of his magic, the Hero prepared for one final attack.

"Moon Force Slash!!"

With a great swing of his blade, a magical force of energy flew out. Its crescent blade-like appearance shined through the darkened battlefield like the moon in the night sky. While not the most powerful attack the Hero had, it was his signature attack. He poured so much magical energy into this one attack that it might as well have been his most powerful attack.

The Demon Queen brought her blade up to meet the Hero's attack. It hit her with a force that would normally knock back a berserking cyclops, but the Demon Queen held. She grinded her teeth in a snarl as she used all her strength just to hold back the attack.

Alas, it was not enough. As blood spewed from her latest wound, her strength started to falter.

The Hero's magical attack broke through her defenses and found its mark. The moon-like blade of magic shattered The Queen's sword, slashing her across the chest.

She fell to the ground, landing with a hard impactful thud. Blood began to pool around her body. The battle was over.

The Hero let out a deep breath of relief. The battle was hard fought, but the day was won. The Hero looked to the sky as his fellow party members began to celebrate. He had not seen the night sky for days now due to the Demon Queen's magic. But now that she had been defeated, he would see it once more.

However, the moment of respite the Hero and his party had just fought hard for would not last. The Hero heard a sound, and as he looked to its source, he felt a wave of shock and fear run down his spine. The Demon Queen was still alive, slowly rising to her feet.

Her breathing was heavy and her blood was flowing from her wounds. It was through sheer force of will that she was still standing at all.

"No, not now. Not like this. I refuse to accept this!"

Her fury could be felt on the air itself, yet the Hero sensed that it was not directed at him or his party members alone.

"I will not accept this! I will not let it end this way!"

A surge of power exploded from the Demon Queen as she yelled to the heavens. The Hero attempted to raise a defense, but the fatigue of the battle had made his movement sluggish.

The Demon Queen unleashed a bolt of magical energy toward the Hero. It pierced his armor and chest. He felt a large amount of blood vaporize from the point of impact.

As the Demon Queen fell to the ground, having expended all her energy in her final attack. The Hero crumpled into the arms of his companions.

Their voices were muffled to the Hero's ears, but it did not matter, he knew what they were most likely saying to begin with.

"So this is it" he thought to himself. After years of fighting the Demon Queen's forces, the time of his demise had come. Though much sooner than he thought it would be, the Hero continued to think.

"I should feel sad about this, yet...instead I feel strangely calm."

As the Hero's vision slowly started to narrow, he saw the dark clouds begin to disperse, a sign that the Demon Queen was dead. As he saw this, he smiled.

He placed his hand upon the cheek of the party member who was holding his head, the princess of the kingdom. With the last of his strength, he spoke.

"It's okay princess. Death is nothing to fear. Look...the clouds are parting...and the moon is full...we did it...the won...the saved..."

And on his final word, the Hero's hand fell limp. The princess began to cry, the other party members knelt in silence, and it felt as if the world itself was also in sorrow, as rain began to fall with not a cloud in the sky.

On that cloudless night, the rain fell upon the battlefield, the war between humans and demons now ended. With the Demon Queen demise, peace returned to the land. The people of the world would remember and mourn the loss of the Hero who saved the world from its ultimate end.

The Demon Lord is the Hero, and I've been relegated to a Side Character?!Where stories live. Discover now