realising there are no roses without thorns 101

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"Where are you taking me?"

The wind roared as they whizzed past trees and houses on Karthik's bike, creating a blurry mix of green and blue. Anjali clasped her arms around Karthik's waist, scrunching his shirt in the front. "What?" Karthik yelled back.

"Where are you taking me?" Anjali yelled again.

"Somewhere nice. Somewhere where we could be alone. As per your requests," Karthik said. Anjali hid a smile and dug her face into his back.

"I thought you forgot."

"Why did you think I forgot?"

"It's been more than a week since that day," she shrugged. "Plus, I didn't think you considered it seriously."

"You underestimate me, wife."

"Oh shut up."

Anjali pressed her cheek to his back and watched them speed across the town, leaving behind a trail of people with shock-ridden faces, wondering if they really did see what they saw — Karthik with a woman pressed against him. "So much for keeping it a secret."

"We've set the engagement date and the wedding date. It's only a matter of time before half the town is invited," Karthik said.

"But still... I really want to have that 'stealing kisses when no one is looking' phase. It's so fun. The sneaking and hiding and getting caught red-handed," Anjali said, one hand waving in the air.

"Sorry we skipped that part. It was kinda inevitable considering how desperate you are to marry me."



"Okay fine, I am desperate. No use denying the obvious anyway," Anjali said, waving it off and sending Karthik a glare when she caught his smug grin. "Don't pretend as if you play no part in this desperation."

"What did I do, woman?"

"Oh my god, just drive."

Karthik grinned and winked at her from the rearview mirror. Anjali rolled her eyes. "Jerk."

"But yours."

During the rest of the drive, Anjali had her arms crossed against her chest, wedged between her and Karthik.

During the rest of the drive, Anjali had her arms crossed against her chest, wedged between her and Karthik

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Anjali snuggled into Karthik's side, intertwining her fingers with his that hung from her shoulders. "I love it. I never knew this part of town existed." They were sitting on the soft grass facing a beautiful little pond surrounded by a thick assembly of trees. The water was aquamarine – a sort of green with a splash of blue. If viewed from above, it would look like someone had dropped a crystal in a thicket. There was absolutely no one around. It was just Karthik and Anjali.

"You weren't particularly interested in exploring the town."

"Yeah, because you distracted me."

"It's my fault now?"

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