A New Kind of Jurassic World | Author's Note

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Welcome, everyone, to Through the Wormhole, a coming-of-age science fiction story that I first wrote in 8th grade! Welcome, and get ready for a journey to prehistoric times with Daniel Matton, one of my oldest protagonists, next to Tracey in Claxton.

When I first learned about geologic time in 8th grade, I was so fascinated that I lost track of how many times I re-read that chapter, which, of course, led to me acing the midterm.

Through the Wormhole's basic idea sprouted after school one day. I told my best friend I wanted to write a story about geologic time, so we went to the science lab together and started researching it. During that moment, my friend discovered black holes, wormholes, and white holes and shared her discoveries with me. With almost no hesitation, I decided on a geologic time-based time travel story about a boy who traveled through a black hole, wormhole, and white hole. Twas, Through the Wormhole was born.

This book was re-written in 10th grade, alongside Metamorphosis/Claxton, because I learned that the geologic history was far from accurate in the earlier draft. Alongside three years' worth of geologic research, I have been steadily working on Through the Wormhole over the years. This led to my 2022 Ambys Award win with Messummer, the original, original draft, and the 2023 Ambys and Nano Watt win with Infrared (it was slightly inspired by Through the Wormhole).

Before jumping into the story, I should warn you guys that Through the Wormhole, like Claxton, contains slow world-building because geologic history is vast. I had to create the futuristic world as well as the prehistoric one. It's also not hard science fiction (I don't know Jack about other scientific fields). The best way to describe this story is science-fantasy, with a touch of paranormal, like Infrared, and I intend to keep it that way. My story, my world, my rules.

Finally—and this is important—Through the Wormhole is not meant to mess with anybody's religious beliefs. It's just a science fiction adventure story with a twist, one I have been working on for years. As most of my stories are, it's plot and character-driven.

With that said, it's time to travel through the wormhole with Daniel Matton and PPMC! I'll see you guys in the real Jurassic World.

- Viktoria/Fyodorova

Comment from Reader:

"Yeah, it's great and very sweet at times. Very underrated. You definitely deserve a larger audience. I accidently came across it, and its great to see a story with so much creativity."


🥇 1st place in The Moonstone Awards Science Fiction category

🥇 1st place in the Magical Awards Science Fiction/Teen Fiction category

🥇 1st place in the Arcana Book Awards Science Fiction category

🥇 1st place in The Clovers Awards Random category (with a perfect score of 55/55!)

🥇 1st place in The Frosty Awards Chicklit/Sci-Fi category

🥇 1st place in The Aquarius Awards Random category

🥇 1st place in The Marine World Awards Science Fiction category

🥇 1st place in The Royal Tiara Awards Science Fiction category

🥇 1st place in The Preeminent Awards Science Fiction category

🥇 1st place in The Deli Awards Fiction category (with a perfect score of 50/50!)

🥇 1st place in The Petrichor Awards Science Fiction category

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