Chapter 19

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Hiya! I wanna thank 4194383221Ab for always reminding me to update asap, I'm having a blast writing this lol

Hope you enjoy <3


Taylor paces back and forth in her living room, her fingers itching to reach out to Elon. She knows she should follow her manager's advice, but her heart yearns to hear his voice and explain the situation. Without even thinking, she grabs her phone and starts typing a message.

"Hey E," she begins, her fingers tapping nervously on the screen. "I just wanted to let you know that I had to attend that football game for some stupid PR move. It's not what I wanted, and it definitely doesn't change how I feel about you. I miss you, and I hope we can talk soon."

She hesitates for a moment before pressing send, her heart pounding in her chest. Fear and uncertainty coil inside her, but she knows she can't let that hold her back anymore. She wants to be honest with Elon and let him know how important he is to her.

As the message is delivered, Taylor sits down on her couch and waits anxiously for a response. Minutes turn into what feels like hours, and doubt starts to creep in. What if he doesn't reply? What if he's already moved on?

Just as she's about to give up hope, her phone buzzes. Her heart skips a beat as she sees Elon's name on the screen. She quickly unlocks the phone and reads his reply.
"Taylor, I'm so glad you reached out. I've been going crazy thinking you didn't want to see me anymore. I miss you too."

Relief floods over Taylor as she reads his message. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips, and she can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what lies ahead. She replies immediately, suggesting a meeting place where they can have some privacy and truly discuss their feelings.

Taylor takes a deep breath and replies to Elon, expressing her concerns about being discreet.

"We need to be extra careful now that our secret dates got out," she types, her fingers flying across the keyboard. "I don't want the media to swarm us again. Any suggestions on where we can meet up in private?"

While Taylor anxiously waits for Elon's response, her mind races with possibilities. She knows they need a place where they can truly be themselves and escape the prying eyes of the world. She hopes Elon has a solution.

A few minutes later, her phone buzzes, and she eagerly checks his reply. Elon's message brings a smile to Taylor's face. "I know the perfect place," he writes. "Remember that cliff we sat on the other night to smoke? Let's meet there at sunset. It's secluded and romantic."

Taylor can't help but chuckle at the memory. That night on the cliff was filled with laughter, deep conversations, and a sense of freedom they both craved. It was a magical moment they shared together.

She quickly responds, her heart skipping a beat with anticipation. "That sounds perfect," Taylor texts. "See you there at sunset."

As the hours pass, Taylor busies herself with preparations for their meeting. She carefully chooses her outfit, opting for a casual yet elegant look. Her mind is filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, unsure of what the evening will bring.

Elon's face lights up with excitement as he looks at his brother, unable to contain his happiness. "Guess what, Kimbal?" Elon exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Taylor agreed to meet up with me! I can't wait to see her."

Kimbal chuckles, his eyes glimmering with amusement. He knows how much his brother cares about Taylor and how deeply their connection runs. "I told you!" he says, patting his brother on the back. "I'm glad she's willing to meet and sort things out."

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