Chapter 21

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Hi, my loves!

Thank you for the lovely comments, it warms my heart. Idk why people on Xwitter are sooo mad over this when it's clearly just a random harmless fic but whatever floats their boat I guess lol

To everyone reading, please let me know what you're thinking and what you expect to happen next <3


Taylor's hands trembled as she clutched her phone tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. Fear and worry gripped her, as Elon's cryptic message echoed in her mind. Without wasting a second, she fumbled for her contacts and found Samantha's number, one of Elon's assistants she had met before.

The phone rang for what felt like an eternity before Samantha finally picked up, her voice hesitant and guarded. "Taylor, I...I can't give you that personal information. It's against our policy," she stammered.

Panic surged through Taylor, forcing her to ignore any semblance of politeness or restraint. "Samantha, please! I'm really worried about him. He sent me a message that sounds so...hurt. I just need to know where he is. I won't do anything crazy, I promise."

Samantha sighed, clearly torn between loyalty to Elon and concern for his well-being. After a brief silence, she relented. "Alright, Taylor. I'll give you the hotel he's staying at, but please, be discreet. He needs some space right now."

Relief washed over Taylor as Samantha whispered the hotel's name and address. She quickly scribbled it down on a scrap of paper, her mind racing with a mix of determination and worry. She knew she had to find him and mend the shattered connection between them.

Without wasting a second, Taylor rushed out of her apartment, a whirlwind of energy and emotion. Her heart pummeled against her ribcage as she drove through the city streets, each passing minute feeling like an eternity.

Arriving at the hotel, Taylor's heart soared with anticipation and trepidation. She approached the front desk, trying to keep her desperation in check. "Hi, I'm Taylor Swift. I'm here to see Elon Musk," she said, her voice faltering slightly.

The receptionist regarded her with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "I'm sorry, Miss Swift, but Mr. Musk has specifically asked not to be disturbed. No exceptions."

Taylor's pleading eyes met the receptionist's, her voice cracking with emotion. "Please, it's urgent. I received a message from him, and I'm really worried about his well-being. Could you at least tell me if he's okay?"

The receptionist hesitated for a moment, studying Taylor's face and sensing the genuine concern in her voice. Finally, she relented. "Alright, I'll make an exception this time. Mr. Musk is staying in room 713."

Gratitude flooded through Taylor as she hurriedly made her way to the elevator. The hollow pit in her stomach grew with each passing floor, uncertainty intertwining with hope. The elevator pinged, and the doors slid open, revealing a dimly lit corridor.

Room 713 loomed ahead, and Taylor's trembling hand reached for the door, a mixture of fear and anticipation coursing through her veins. She took a deep breath, gathering her inner strength, and slowly turned the doorknob.

As the door swung open, Taylor's eyes widened in shock. The room lay in disarray, a reflection of Elon's tormented state of mind. Empty bottles littered the floor, evidence of his inner turmoil. And there, on the bed, lay Elon, his face pale and soaked in sweat, ravaged by the relentless fever.

Taylor's heart broke at the sight before her. She rushed to his side, her voice filled with concern.

Taylor's heart raced as she rushed to Elon's side, the room suddenly feeling suffocatingly hot. She gently touched his forehead, feeling the heat radiating from his skin, confirming her suspicions. He had a fever.

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