Chapter Four: The Moments......

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Francis was utterly shocked when he saw Diana.
When Mary arrived, he considered her pretty and sweet, but Diana.....she had a presence that made him captivated by her.
The melody of her voice when she spoke, the small smile on her delicate face but the lust he felt when seeing her in riding leathers with a sword at her waist.
He has never met a single woman who can carry a blade so publicly than when she greeted me. She gave the traditional greeting and then left without giving Francis a single thought, and he was a little offended. Then he saw the warm greeting she gave Francis Father, Mother, and Mistress Diane
He knew then she was doing that for Mary's sake.

Lola and Greer followed her in quickly, while Kenna and Aylee followed in Mary wake.
Catherine watched her son stare after Diana and knew she had to do what she could to encourage them.
Diana was perfect. She was kind, strong, loving, cunning when needed, and loyal.
Catherine liked her a lot more than Mary and felt a union with Diana might benefit France more as she had her own army, money and lands in a variety of country's then also that she was currently next in line for the Scottish Throne and Third in Line for the English one.
Now, she just had to convince Henry.

*Inside the Castle*

One of the ladies of court is in a room going to proper etiquette with Mary's ladies.

"You have returned to the court at your own queen's bidding. As noble ladies, you must counsel her, prepare her, and account for her. For Princess Elisabeth's wedding, as with any event, you must acquaint yourselves and Mary with all visiting royalty and dignitaries. Who amongst you is fluent in Italian?"

Aylee apprehensively steps forward, not realising that Lola and Greer can speak Italian thanks to Diana.

"I suppose I am."

"You will sit next to the Pope's cousin. He has no teeth and speaks very quickly."

The girls erupt in laughter while the woman rolls her eyes at their childishness.

*Later, upstairs*

Later on that day, the girls sit around in front of a mirror, applying makeup and trying on dresses.

"Are all these dresses from Paris?"

"Yes, everyone. Shame we do not have any of Diana's dresses."

"Oh, if Colin could see me, he'd marry me in a second. I look of age now; we all do."

"You know what I'd like to do? Explore. We haven't been here since we were children. Surely the castle's changed. Who's with me?"

"I am!"

"Go. I'll find you later. There's something I want to see."

*Another part of the castle*

I decided to walk around after I was dressed in my newly made blue dress with a star pattern on it.
I had only visited the Palace twice, and it was lovely then, but it still retained this wonderful air about it.

As I was walking, I felt someone coming up behind me. Just as they got close, I pulled my dagger out from my pocket and pressed it to their throat when I saw it was Bash.
I pulled it away from his throat and then cleared mine before putting the dagger away.

"Do you not know sneaking up on a person can end in your life?"

Bash smirked at me, I had to fight a blush, I had always had a crush in Bash, and I think he knew it too by the smirk widening.

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