Chapter Three: Lessons

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Bealon was laying in bed looking at the white ceiling of the room that had been given to him in New Valyria with shock.

He had sent notice to his father the day after Visera destroyed Lys and set the people free.
He said he would be back in a moon or two with Daemon and was speaking to this ruler.
She had destroyed the city in a matter of hours then transported the people via ship, why she flew and they followed.
Once they cleared a fog and saw the most beautiful island they had ever seen, it was lush and green with waterfalls everywhere.
The city was built in between this all near the centre of the island and others built in the rock face with statues of the Fourteen everywhere and weirwood trees dotted around.

They followed her to a large hole in the side of one of the mountains and saw her fly in, and they followed.
It was a large open area with fires all around, no chains in sight, and almost eight other dragons resting who ignored their arrival.

Several people approached wearing what looked to be leather with a look of awe when they saw Visera.

"They have eaten, but our guest dragons have not. Please feed them."

Then they looked at our dragons, bowed and retrieved them food, and a nice place to rest.
Bealon didn't think that Vhagar would be so happy with the cave, but she seemed thrilled, and for some reason, he thought she seemed younger.

They were led to a stair case, which they took down and came out to a bridge where three horses were waiting.
They rode to the Palace, which was magnificent and may have looked pretty, but he could tell it was well fortified and easily defended.

They had been met with servants, but Visera called them staff. They were hired and paid well for their work, provided room, food, and something called a uniform.

They worked seamlessly and showed them to their rooms. They had been here a few days and were shown different places, and to Daemons happy attitude, he had found the pleasure district.
Bealon had considered going there for release, but he found hst nothing but Visera would do for him.

He got up, bathed and dressed before leaving his room and walked around, he found a wall that seemed to be moving but it looked like a massacre the volcanos were blowing up and people were dying, the dragons falling thst was when he realised that this was the day of the doom.
He was fascinated by the way and did not notice someone approached before they cleared their throat and saw it was a.....butler.

"My Empress has requested you in her Solar. Prince Bealon."

They walked for a little while so he could take everything in.

"How did you come to be here?"

"My Empress saved me in Mereen from the fighting pits. I was taken from home by a Septon, and when I refused to let him touch me, he sold me to a slaver."

The butler replied with a small smile, and Bealon seemed shocked that a septon would do that.

"I believe he is high septon now, I will slit his throat soon enough. My Empress has granted my request."

Bealon nodded at that because he would have done the same thing. His face showed Bealon there was more, but he would no pry.
They reached a set of double doors that were white with a dragon on the doors and made a strange sound that almost roared when they were opened.

Bealon walked in and was captivated by Visera at a large orinate desk with two large book cases behind her, she looked up and she looked enchanting to him with her small smile thst showed her dimples, her face was perfect with her dark purple eyes, her hair in Valyrian platts then should stood up and he had to fight his bodys reaction as she wore a Valyrian dress thst hugged her curves and showed more flesh than the ones in Westros.

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