Chapter Five: Getting to know you

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I looked in the mirror to check myself over for the third time, I was wearing a blue and black dress with a pattern of stars on it and off the shoulders with light long sleeves.
My hair was in Valyrian and Dorthraki braids with little stars in my hair and some perfume on my wrist and behind my ears with silver star earrings and a ring of my finger.
I turned to my maid and lady in waiting, who smiled at me with adoration.

"You look enchanting my Empress,"

"You shall make the other ladies look plain."

They replied, and I chuckled at them. Please prepare the bed for tonight. Lisa and Maira, you shall be joining me at the feast.

"Yes, my Empress,"

They both bowed and left the room to prepare when I heard a knock, I shouted for them to come in and saw King Jeahaerys standing there with a kingsguard.

"King Jeahaerys, would you like a seat?"

I looked at the king with some concern as he was old, and it was a long distance  for him. He chuckled and waved me off.

"I am quite alright, my dear, I have come to escort you. We are both rulers. It is only fair that we enter together."

"What a lovely thought, thank you."

I walked to him and took his arm as we walked.

"It's been a long time since I saw a woman dressed in Valyrian dresses."

"That is sad that you forget your own heritage."


"Was an idiot but they only thing he did right was to uphold Valyrian tradition."

I cut Jeahaerys off but stated what I wanted. He was silent but nodded with a sigh after a while.
I knew he wanted to erase Meagor, but you couldn't do that, but with his trying, he removed a fundamental part of their own history, which I was determined to bring back.

"You are a Targaryen. Do not follow the whims of sheep."

He chuckled then while holding my arm, and I couldn't help but join him in that, we approached the doors and could hear everyone talking and laughing, and then the announcer called out.

"King Jeahaerys Targaryen and Empress Visera Balyrian."

Everyone quietens at our entry, and I could hear the whispers.

"She has to be the most beautiful woman i have ever seen."

"Deity in Westeros."

"That dress is a bit revealing, but isn't that Valyrian style?"

"She doesn't look like a heathen."

I ignored them all and saw Bealon get up before either of his sons and walked towards me before offering his hand, taking me from his father.

"You look enchanting, your Majesty."

"Thank you, your grace."

He walked towards my seat between him and Jeahaerys, making me chuckle at how possessive he is, and I am not even his wife.

"We were informed of what you prefer and had them made for you."

"That was very considerate of you, my prince."

He looked at me with dark eyes filled with lust when I said 'my prince' like I saw 'Mine' but he knew I wanted him and he wanted me but I carried on pretending otherwise.

We talked about different things in between eating before someone cleared their throat, and Bealon looked like he wanted to throttle someone before he put on a smile.

"Empress Visera, may I present my son Prince Viserys Targaryen and His Wife Aemma Targaryen formally Arryn, and you know my son Daemon."

I looked to see the three in front of me and raised my eyebrow at the cheeky smile Daemon was giving me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Thank you for coming to Westeros."

Aemma says this with a gentle smile, and I return it.

"You are most welcome, maybe you can visit New Valyria, it is the most relaxing place to be pregnant and give birth."

She beamed at me and nodded that she would do that, and it might help her to give birth to another healthy child.
Viserys was just looking at me with a look of awe at me before I tsk at him and turned to Daemon.

"Good to see you again, Prince Daemon, I hope you aren't causing too much mischief."

I said with a cheeky smile. He just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I make no promises."

I chuckled and nodded at that because that was a very Daemon and answer. Then I looked at the quiet Prince Visery, and I could see everyone looking confused.

"Hello Prince Visery."

"Hello, Empress Visera."

Then it got awkwardly quiet again before I turned to Bealon with a cheeky smile.

"I heard you can dance,"

"Would you do me the honour?"

Bealon put his hand out with i took with a smile, and followed him onto the dance floor
The other Targaryens watched in fascination as Visera and Bealon started to dance. They both looked ethereal in their looks and movements.
No one could deny that they were the perfect couple in looks and temperament but if you looked closely you could see the envy on Viserys face of his father holding this young Empresses attention but you could also see the concern on the Hightowers faces at this new factor to their plans, completely unaware that she knew due to her spies information.

Bealon was captivated by the woman in front of him who gave him her smiles and thoughts as if she had always done it.
He didn't want the dance to end, but it did, and just as he was about to lead her off, some of the young lords who were braver then most came up to request a dance.
She looked at him and nodded that it was okay. He hated it but walked away before sitting next to his father, who was smiling into his drink.
Bealon watched as these young men were talking to her, and her face told him how unimpressed she was, especially the Lannister Lord she danced with.
She seemed downright murderous when she danced with one of the Hightower lads.

The dance that made him jealous was with Heir Stark. He seemed to have to be able to make her laugh while dancing.
Bealon knew she was meant to be his, but he suddenly felt like he had competition when the dance ended. She left and walked back to the table and sat again between Bealon and King Jeahaerys.

Others kept watching her as she took about many different things before Jeahaerys stood up.

"Thank you all for attending. Tomorrow  shall be the start of the tournament, and on three days, we shall make a special announcement."

Everyone cheered, and others whispered about what it could be, but Otto, who was watching, knew he had to talk to Viserys to find out what was happening in his family.

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