Chapter Seven: Events

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I had been in Westeros three weeks now and the tournament was to start soon, Aemma had left a week ago much to Viserys ire, I had spoke to Jeahaerys with Bealon and requested that she get to spend some time away with her daughter and the king allowed it.
She left smiling and informed me she was pregnant, I made sure a healer went with her to ensure her health and he informed me it was a very recent one and with how protective Jon was being it was most likely his.

I had to give him credit. He worked quickly to gain her affection and start an affair, but he would honour her and protect her and the children.

This had been hectic with lords coming in from all over Westros to meet the fiancée of their prince, i had been avoiding Viserys who seemed determined to be lone with me, Daemon was very charming but was happy for his father to finally find someone else and even more thrilled to be offered a place in her empire.

I was in the garden with my ladies when someone new came into view, she was tall, brown hair and deep brown eyes, she was an imposing woman, she saw me and walked over with purpose before she stopped and curtsey.

"Good morning, your grace. My name is Rhea Royce, and I would like to talk to about an issue I have."

"Of course, come sit with us."

She seemed surprised by her did as I bid her, my ladies sat there and waited for Rhea to speak.

"I am married to Princes Daemon, and I am very unhappy as he is with me. I want to annul our marriage, but King Jeahaerys refuses.
I would like to offer Jeahaerys an alternative for the both of us so that he will finally agree.
I am asking for your help with this."

I gave her a thoughtful look but nodded because she had such a sad story, and I did not want that for her thrn look at my ladies, Jalla Verion spoke up.

"Do you have any preference, my lady?"

"Someone strong mentally and maybe physically, he must understand when to back away and move ahead. Someone at least a little pleasant to look at would be nice but not necessarily important."

"We have three candidates off the top of my head."

All the ladies looked impressed with what she wanted, and luckily, we knew a few.

"Lady Jalla has two brothers, and the second son would be willing, I think. His name is Jarrah. Then we have Varion he is a guard but from a good family he is a mixture of Valyrian and Dornish decent then the last is descended from the North here in Westeros his name is Thoran from how Karstark, he is a good man and is very honest."

Rhea just nodded her head in agreement and gave us all a small smile.

"With regards to Daemon, I have many fine Valyrian ladies to offer as that seems to be what the stubborn mule wants, but that is a bridge we can cross when we are up to it."

Everyone nodded in agreement because Daemon was a stubborn man, but he had his preference, and I was sure that we could get him the wife he wanted.

After we departed shortly after and when we reached my chambers I informed my envoy about the married of Deamon Targaryen and Rhea Royce and to offer a better match for both of them, he would approach the king about it at the small council later.

Over the course of a few weeks, I had Otto and the Measters watched and evidence gathered from the city and the Citadel to have them removed.
I had also made sure the High Septon was watched as he had been seen with Measters more recently.
The day of the tournament, I went to Bealon tent and saw a young acolyte leaving his tent in a hurry, then walked into his tent just as he was and forced him not to touch anything
A moment later, two men came in with new armour and clothes, and then another came in with food and wine before putting on gloves and removing everything else.

"Do I want to know?"

"I just saw an acolyte leaving your tent and looking nervous, if he has done what I think then your other armour will have a special poison that will go into your skin and make it look like burst belly."

Bealon went from flirty to serious in an instant as he knew Otto had a plan but he did not realise he wanted to get rid of him so badly to put his son who he could manipulate on the throne.

"Do not worry, my love, I will return the favour."

I said with a smile, which he returned before bringing me into a kiss, which I gladly accepted.
This man could make a nun....well, Septa broke her vows, but he would be mine soon enough, and I would be rid of the annoying Measters and Hightowers soon enough.
I helped him get into his armour, then left the tent and went to the stands, I could see Otto waiting eagerly, but I was excited to see the disappointment.
I had already removed the rider he paid to injure Bealon badly. This knight was now dead in my dragons belly.

They were announcing the lists, and I was talking to Jeahaerys about Deamon and Rhea.
He was a bit stubborn but I said it would keep the Vale close to the empire as a whole and Targaryen family could marry another Valyrian line to further the Targaryen name, that seemed to have swayed him and he agreed then said he would talk to Bealon to get his opinion, I agreed easily because I know Bealon wanted his son to be happy.

We watched the men joust, and to be honest, it was a completely barbaric sport, but I also understood the entertainment in it, and then Bealon came out.
He was magnificent, the armor I gave him made him look like a true dragon, 8 could see the confusion on Otto and Jeahaerys face then I whispered to Jeahaerys that I gave him some new armour last minute as a courting gift, he seemed very pleased with it, as did Bealon.

He took opponents one by one, defeating them with ease, I could see Otto and a Measter near the royal box getting fustrated, I saw one of the faceless men looking at the Measter and then to me, I nodded in confirmation that he was the one to die, I knew by the end of the day he would be dead.

Before I could look at Bealon again, someone came to sit in front of me, I looked and saw Viserys.
I had to fight back a groan because the man would not quit, he has a wife, a lovely one and he wanted to make me a second wife, the Empress of an Empire and after our first meeting had the audacity to tell me that I needed a real man to show me how to rule.
I could not stop myself from punching him in the nose and then promptly told Bealon what happened before going to my room.
After that, he has not left me alone, I thought, like the coward he was, he would have left, but he did not. If anything, he got worse.
He knew I was engaged to his father, but he did not seem to care.

"Hello, Lady Visera."

"It's Empress, or are you lacking in manners?"

I said this with a barely contained sneer, I could see Jeahaerys out the corning of my eye with holding a sigh at his idiot grandson.
Viserys went red-faced with embarrassment or anger, maybe both?

"I apologise, Empress. I wanted to congratulate you on your betrothal to my father."

"Thank you, Prince Viserys, he makes me very happy."

"I am glad, will your son with my father be Emperor after you?"

I knew this was Ottos doing. He was fishing for information, I looked at Jeahaerys, and he nodded that he was fine with some information being shared.

"Any child boy or girl will rule after me. We do not choose the eldest. We choose the best fit to rule. Sometimes, the firstborn is not the right choice."


He seemed a little pale after that, but I left him thinking things through, I knew Otto would know soon enough, and I was prepared.
We were pulled out of the moment when Bealon was crowned the winner, then he was given a crown of winter roses. He rode his horse to the rose box with a smug smile.

"Empress Visera, I name you the queen of love and beauty."

I walked forward, then accepted the wreath and put it on my head with a big smile, which he returned, I would protect this man. Even if I had to burn down Westros to do it.

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