Chapter 11

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I avoid any conversation with Miles the next morning. I see him sneaking peaks at me when I'm working out and even during breakfast. I'm still shaken up at how easily I've opened up to him. How could I have let my emotions get the better of me? Especially because the last time I opened up to someone, it ended badly.

"Will you keep ignoring me for the rest of the trip?" Miles asks sarcastically.

I pretend not to hear him and continue sipping at my soup. I'll ignore him for as long as it takes for me to forget what happened last night, even if we spend our five day trip in silence.

"Great!" He leans back in his chair with a frown on his face. I barely stop myself from smoothing out the harsh lines marring his face. Gods! What is wrong with me?

We hadn't even gotten to discuss our plan, not fully. Hell, I barely remember anything we said.

"Good afternoon." Sage greets us. He'd joined us for breakfast today; Marilla was nowhere to be seen. "Are you still mad at James, Melody?"

I cross my arms and scowl, deciding to ignore Sage too. It's irrational, but if this is what it takes to protect my heart, I'll do it a thousand times over.

"Hey, man." Miles greets him back. "Don't worry about it. I'll get her to forgive me soon enough."

He says it with a mischievous glint in his eyes, like he's already formulating a plan to get me to talk to him.

I tune out of their conversation, preferring to focus on my food instead, but Marilla's name breaks me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know, man. She hasn't left her room since yesterday. I knocked twice, but she didn't reply. I think she's embarrassed."

"Give her time. She's probably thinking everything over."

"I've loved her for years. I had time to get my thoughts in order, I suppose. I'll give her all the time she needs." Sage blows a black strand of hair out of his eyes with a grin.

"I'll talk to her. Maybe she wants another woman's opinion." I tell him before standing up.

"Marilla, hey! It's Melody." I knock on her door gently. "Can I come in?"

I hear a few sniffles before a quiet 'come in'.

She's sitting on her bed, crossed legged with tears staining her cheeks and a napkin in hand. Any thoughts of keeping my distance from her are out of the window before I reach her. She seems so pure hearted that it's hard to stay detached. Maybe that's why I can't seem to stay away from Miles.

I notice her brown eyes are bloodshot when she looks at me. Has she been crying for a whole day?

"Are you alright?" I ask. That was probably the wrong question to ask. Damn it. More tears flow from her eyes. Even though she's my age, I asked Sage yesterday during lunch; she looks much younger at the moment. "I'm sorry. I'm terrible at this."

She attempts a smile, making me smile back.

"You're very kind to come." She murmurs.

"Not at all; I just got tired of Sage's whining." I say with a laugh.

"Sage is whining? That doesn't seem like him."

"You should've seen him. Absolutely miserable."

"I must talk to him then." She says.

"Oh yes. Please put us out of our misery." I smirk. "He obviously loves you. I thought you at least liked him based on your reaction yesterday."

"I do. But we've been friends for so long that the thought of a relationship is scary."

"I'm sure it is. That's what makes it exciting. "

"What if we ruin our friendship?"

"Oh, you most certainly will!" I chuckle. "But you'll replace your friendship with a relationship that will bring you closer. Isn't that a risk worth taking?"

She laughs, then narrows her eyes at me, like she's seeing me for the first time. "You're her, aren't you?"

"Her? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're the girl with a bounty on her head. Jasmine, was it?"

"I think you're confusing me for someone else." I laugh, hoping to ease her suspicions.

"No... You're definitely her. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere. What are you doing heading to Edessa? You do know that the Emperor is the one who put a bounty on your head, right?" She says the last part with a whisper, almost making me smile. Almost.

It's no use denying it. She has me. Usually this is the point when I run away, but obviously Marilla isn't a bounty hunter. I'd worry about her telling Sage, if anything. The girl seems trustworthy enough, though. I'll just have to convince her to keep my secret to herself. She surprises me by speaking again.

"I won't tell." She says truthfully. Her honesty is written all over her face. My skepticism must've shown on my face, because she assures me. "Not even Sage."

I suppose I'll have to take her word for it. Sage will figure it out soon enough; I'm sure of it. In the mean time, I'll have to pretend to be lovey dovey with Miles until we're off this cruise to keep the attention off ourselves.

Fortunately for us, Marilla might just be the greatest weapon in our arsenal right now. If I can get her to admit her feelings for Sage again, it'll distract him long enough for us to reach Edessa. 

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