Chapter Sixteen

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Dante hadn't been keen to attend classes, but their first one for the day was as a team. After they had attended the assembly, where they had to watch a similar video to the previous morning, the Overseer came along and made the announcements. The 'children' must have believed they had a glimpse of the outside world, but the stories had to be either exaggerated or fictitious. The Overseer had excused them, and Nadia rushed them outside and towards the firing range. From how the Reds had glared at them, it was best to avoid them, and the Greys had already proven themselves hostile.

That still left the Blues and Greens, but Dante didn't have high hopes. At best, the Blues would leave them alone; if Nadia could take down most of them on her lonesome, what chance would they have against the four of them.

Dante shouldn't have been so harsh; with the mind games the Overseer played, it could have been her intent to drive them apart. There were over thirty of them, and if they managed to work together, a simple alarm wouldn't be enough to stop them. But they wouldn't get very far if they were set against one another, dragging each other further from freedom like crabs in a bucket.

'They would have to have a variety of weapons if they want us to train properly, and we already know they have a collection of nine millimetres,' Gabriel said as he and Nadia led the way to the warehouse on the far side of the yard.

'True, but Presley could bring them over from the other yard when he has class. It would be dangerous to leave them in the shooting range, not when it would be so easy to break into,' Nadia glanced over her shoulder. 'They're as strong as us, so how hard would it be for them to rip a hole in a tin wall?'

Gabriel shrugged, 'There's a locker in there. They have to use it for something.'

'It could just be for lessons. They measured our strength; they would know that a locker wouldn't be enough to stop us. Some of those boys would have to be as strong as you, maybe even stronger,' Nadia replied.

Gabriel scoffed, 'Sure.'

'Now's not the time to have your head up your ass. This is serious,' Nadia hissed.

Elijah groaned as he strolled beside Dante, 'Can you two get a room already?'

Gabriel twisted with a smile, 'Nobody wants to hear about your weird kinks, Squirt.'

Elijah put his hands over his ears, 'I'm not listening.'

'Nadia has a point. The Red, Kimble, I don't think you should take him lightly, and the Green leader beat him. How about we avoid them if we can?' Dante suggested; Gabriel could be brash, but he wasn't an idiot.

'I'm not going to challenge anyone to a wrestling match if that's what you're worried about,' Gabriel retorted.

Nadia reached the door to the shooting range first, holding it open for the rest of them. Dante followed behind Gabriel as they lined up against the wall. Metal creaked as Presley climbed down the steps from the second floor. The guns might not have been stored in the same locker during the day, but they may have remained in the shooting range. There could be a hidden basement or a walk-in safe. He would mention it to Gabriel and Nadia later.

'We're keeping it simple today. I want you all practising with a nine-millimetre,' Presley stopped in front of Elijah. 'I don't know what the hell they were thinking placing you as a sniper, but if you don't want to drag down the rest of your team, you better get your shit together.'

Elijah stared at his feet, his slim shoulders slumped.

Presley stepped closer, glaring down at him, 'Are you deaf, boy?'

Dante gently nudged Elijah; if he ignored Presley, the old bastard would explode.

'No... No, sir,' Elijah squeaked.

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