Death's Friend

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As long the Information Ink and Error found about The Watcher;

-Able to disable the advantages of his oppenents when someone able to damage or rip his body.

-his existence longer than other AU's.

-Builded or someone builded a robot for him.

-Nightmare failed to kill The Watcher and almost gonna die.

-Knowing that, Omega Timeline is a artificial universe and where it exists.

-Much knowledge, more self-aware and smarter as other statements.

Will this be enough? Or this is just a begining?
-Meanwhile, in ReaperTale-

Error and Ink enters the ReaperTale, where's Reaper Sans right now. They both seen the Reaper, doing absolutely nothing. They thinked, his job is done or he's just being lazy, like other AU's. Error and Ink got a bit closer in front of him and Reaper realizes, that Ink and Error auras and look at them.

Reaper:"...What are you guys doing here?"

Ink:"We're here to-"

Reaper:"Actually now thinking, why are you both together. You guys only be together to mess each other or fighting each other. What's the point, being together now?"

Ink:"...We're here to-"

Reaper:"Maybe someone able to control your mind and want me to fight against, both of you. But still, there's no chance of-"


Reaper:"...Okay...? What will you talk about?"

Ink:"Yeah, we were...uh...What are we talk about Error?"

Error slap his face, and closed his eyes with annoyed. Reaper gets a bit calm down, since it's a thing that Ink always does. Forgetting what he needs to say or doing. Error looks at Reaper and tells, what Ink needs to say but forgetted.

Error:"We try to get some information about a Sans named as The Watcher."

Reaper open his eyes a little bit and gets up.

Reaper:"Watcher? You mean my best bud'?"

Ink:"Hold on! Is this the Sans you say the best bud' you talking?"

Ink gives a piece of paper that Watcher drawing on it. Reaper smiles a bit, and then look at both of them.

Reaper:"Yes, it is! Although, those googles are new."

Error:"Wait! You are friend with him? Like, literally best friend!?"

Reaper:"Yep, we are. I met with him a year ago and he's a cool guy. He likes math, calculating, researching, solving things and more. But he's not always social as i mentioned him, like that. Watcher universe gone a long time ago. Like a really long time. He's try to find a way to restore his universe but doing it without any artificial style."

Ink:"Artificial? What do you mean? Is it like Omega Timeline is a being of artificial universe making anomalies and he doesn't want that?"

Reaper: *Sigh* "Yes, it is. He knows that making any artificial universe is dangerously for multiverse. As long, he founds a way to make a universe by natural 'cause, he will denie to make it by artificial 'cause."

Error:"How did you both even met though? He shown himself, while Ink was about to die by my hands."

Ink:"Strings actually..."

Error:"They were also in my hands, when you think, dumb squid."

Reaper:"Well, if you both not gonna argue right now, yes...It's also happened with me as well. One year ago, i was about to finish the job of Geno, who's from AfterTale. He is breaking the rules of death and i must stop it. However, that's the time Watcher shown himself. He said;"Killing someone is already a wrong choice. He's absolutely going with his universe rules and not breaking them, which is pretty accurate to let them live." he said as i turned and look at him, while he is middle of talk. He was tall as Thought Sans, i can tell."

Ink:"Yeah...He said, he's smaller than Seraphim, only one finger."

Reaper:"You can say that. By the way, in continue, we clashed eachother. I attack with my sycthe and he attacks with a bonesaw. The weapon he use is kinda odd but he doing doging my attacks with good enough reflexes. But the thing is, i have more range than him since my sycthe is taller than a simple bonesaw. I able to lower his guard and touch him. But-"

Error:"It did nothing, correct?"

Reaper:"Yes, I was shock at the moment since no one able to survive from a touch. I mean, sure, there are still a lot of AU's are creating it and they also have their own advantages against to my death touch ability. However, as i continue fighting, somehow i feel weakened."

Error:"Here we go, again...His stupid breaking advantage power."

Reaper:"Yeah, kinda sucks, isn't it? However, as i feel weakened, my body also start to slowing as well."

Ink:"By any chances, did you manage to hit him?"

Reaper:"oh right, that part. I forgot it, since it's been a year our fight happened. He start to manage to hit me, but as you know, i can't die, since i'm already, the death. But, it wasn't changing the fact, his attacks are really...hurting..."

Error:"Hurting? I know, you are durable as you said, your death and also immortal, but hurting you? That's kinda hard to believe."

Reaper:"He has a advantage, that unable to use our advantages. You forget it?"

Error:"I didn't even serious about it."

Ink:"However, one last question. He said, he will be on top, but we didn't get, what he meant."

Reaper:"Go to the Doodle Shepre, you understand."

Ink:"Doodle Shepre? Why...?"

Reaper:"I can't say more... You need to find out."

Error:"Ok-okay, y-y-you damn a-anom-anomaly. You ma-making no se-sense right n-n-now. Just te-tell us, where h-he is!"

Reaper:"Doodle Shepre..."

Error right eyesock start to fill with error signs, like his eye flitching, turning around and he opens a glitch portal, where anti-void is. He screams inside of anti-void, while Ink looks back to Reaper and says:

Ink:"I've been in Doodle Shepre for long time. How is this eve-"

Reaper:"Okay, one tip. He must gives you a tip already."

When Reaper saying this, he was serious and he's no longer in happy condition. Ink nodded and goes to Doodle Shepre. After a few seconds, Error enters the Doodle Shepre as well.

Error:"W-well...Now w-w-what?"

Ink was thinking but something comes to his mind. Something The Watcher said.

The Watcher:"If you ever need me... I will on top."

Ink:"..........Top...DOODLE SHEPRE TOP!"


Ink:"Remember Reaper said Doodle Shepre and, The Watcher said top? They meant Doodle Shepre top!"

As founding the tip both Reaper and The Watcher give, Ink mades a ink blaster and goes to top, along side with Error, who use his strings to hold Ink and reach top as well. Going further more on Doodle Shepre top, the golden shining is slowly gones and slowly a night dark color appears. The papers now changed with stars. As going further, they finally found some broken stones. As looking at them, a figure seen. Ink and Error getting closer to figure and, here he is...

The Watcher:"Congratulations, you found me..."

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