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There's a magical joyful breeze blowing this time of year. It's stretching from The Pridelands, all the way to the Tree Of Life. It's enlightens everyone that feels and receives it in their hearts. Animals jolting all over the savanna, looking for perfect presents for their love ones. They gather bugs, berry's, fruits and sweetened plants. Leaves are used to wrap what is being given. It's best time of the year to most, Indeed.

The lion guard enjoyed Christmas as first but troubled soon followed. Herds started to fight over who's gift's was better, The lion guard gets called for stupid reasons, some calls just for questions on what bug's or fruits to give. The King, Simba. Gave orders for the lion guard to decorate a baobab tree and the surrounding areas near Pride Rock. Between their duty's and Simba's decree, they rarely have time to themselves. Their so busy they hardly sleep more than 4 hours before getting called by a "distressed animal". They never thought things could get worst.


"Janja, why haven't we attacked the Pridelands the last few days?" Asks a hyena with his Tongue out to the side. "Yeah, Its getting boring in the cave. We got to do something!" asks another hyena besides him.

"Don't worry, it's all part of my plan to take what we want in the Pridelands." Janja stated. "Cheezi, Chungu. If you're that bored go find and chase a snail." He sarcastically said. "OH, OH, CAN WE CHASE A BABOON INSTEAD?" Chungu asked. "YEAH, CAN WE JANJA?" Cheezi asks, jumping up and down.

"Why do you want to chase a baboon? Yall won't even catch that Cut-Haven Snake. You two will be running into boulders." He said with a disappointed sigh. "BECAUSE ITS FUN AND IT'S ONLY ROCKS JANJA!" Chungu responded. "YEAH, LET US JANJA!" Cheezi demanded.

"NO! UGH, FUR BRAINS" He yelled, frustrated with the two. "Do you even remember my plan?" He asked, Knowing the answer. "Do we?" Cheezi asked puzzled while looking at Chungu. Chungu responded, "UH, I DON'T THINK SO?"

"Fur brains..." Janja mumbled. "Ok, So here's the plan. AGAIN!" Janja stated with a stern tone. "Ok Janja, we're listening." Chungu stated. "Yeah, tell us the plan. Tell us the plan". Cheezi said. Janja started his speech. "Ok so here is what will do"...

Lion Guards Christmas Chaos (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now