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I'm not one bit surprised when I wake up the following morning with one of the most pounding headaches I've ever had. Regret immediately swarms me after the events of last night start circulating through my brain again, making me stuff my head into the nearest pillow on my bed and let out a guttural scream.

After Elias left last night, I drowned myself in alcohol- never not having a drink in my hand. Nadia looked concerned for me all throughout the night but never did she once interfere with me- too busy talking to a mystery guy, someone she won't tell me about.

After allowing myself to sit on my bed and think about absolutely everything yet nothing at the same time, I make a beeline for my ensuite, needing to freshen up.

I have my first shift later today at the library, still needing Lia to show me around. She said she would aid me through the system when I got there since we're pretty much on the same schedule and for that, I'm grateful.

I can't believe I agreed to go to the party with her- let alone getting drunk in the process. I promised her and Nadia that I would be sticking to soda only- the aftermath of me drinking never pretty- but I went completely against that.

Wow, look at me owning up to my own mistakes for the first time in my life.

My phone buzzes in my room mid brushing my teeth, so naturally, with the toothbrush hanging out of my mouth I make my way to my nightstand where my device is currently sitting, charging. As soon as I got home last night I passed out, my phone only being at three percent being proof of that currently.

What I don't expect is for the notification to be from Elias. There's only one text. I click on the notification that immediately brings me to our message thread.

Satan: Attachment: 1 file.

Our schedule for the season. Let me know what works best for you.

Confusion hits me until I remember the project and how we are stupidly assigned together. I roll my eyes as I read it, not wanting to deal with this right now. Although, I make a mental note in my head to text him back later, knowing it's not too good of an idea to leave him on read.

I set my phone back down and finish freshening up as well as getting ready for the day. The weather is starting to become more windy as August comes to an end so I opt for some partly ripped jeans as well as a nice top.

I run my fingers through my hair as I make my way downstairs, trying to get rid of any tangles that may live in them. Nadia is already at the kitchen island eating breakfast when I enter, her gaze solely focused on her phone.

From where I am I can see she's texting someone. So, me being the person I am, I sneak up from behind her and look over her shoulder. I'm not actually reading the texts, but when I say the words, 'who are you texting' her reaction is something I want to relive over and over again.

I don't think I've ever seen someone jump so high up in their seat before, her yelping eliciting a laugh out of me.

"Rowan!" She exasperates. "What the hell?"

"Sorry." I grin, but there's not a tone of sincerity laced in my tone. "You should've seen your reaction. Priceless."

Nadia rolls her eyes. "Screw you."

I back away from her and make my way towards the fridge, trying to think of something that I can fix up.

"So," I say nonchalantly, trying to act cool. "Are you going to tell me who the mystery guy is?"

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