35. Chitra becomes Meera

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Ranveer POV

"You ate with me, right?" Purab asked me after glancing at the attendee.

"Umm...I want to eat again." I don't know why the hell did I say this.

"Are you a bull?" He chuckled and asked

"Come on man! I raped a girl so hard that she died. I've got tired now and hungry too."

I said with devilish smile on my face.

"Aha! The man wants food after eating a girl. Go and eat now. Hey you! Keep the plate here." He said and I asked the attendee to stop there by showing my palm.

"Um..I want to eat in the garden." Fuck! I must be sounding stupid right now. It seems my tongue wasn't coordinating with my brain anymore.

"Garden? Why?" He asked thinning his eyebrows.

"I want to feel some fresh air while eating." I said with a sheepish smile.

"Okay then! Go and enjoy. I am too tired to come with you. Rajmata makes me work a lot these days." He said with a flirtatious smirk and now everything was clear to me.

I was glad that he wasn't accompanying me. I took the plate from the attendee and came out of the chamber.

I looked around and there was no one as it was midnight now - the soldiers who guarded our chambers had retired to sleep. I went to check on her with the plate of food and saw her sitting on the ground with her knees touching her chest and her hands wrapped around it.

"Chitra!" I called her and she shivered suddenly.

Chitra POV

Senapati Vikrant ji went away and I started exploring the chamber walking here and there with slow steps.

The chamber was weird. As per the information I had, it was untouched for a very long time so it should have dust all around, but there were some objects that did not have even an ounce of dust. It seemed as if someone had touched them just before we came here, but who could do that except for Rajmata and she certainly didn't visit this place anymore.

I used to work for her when I was just fourteen. She chose me because she thought I was naive and uneducated. I never acted like an educated person before anyone, but I don't know why I felt like trusting Senapati Vikrant ji. He seems genuine and caring. He didn't beat me! There was nothing that I didn't know in terms of education, but what the hell was Sambhog (sex)? I never got to know about this word. To look smart I answered him instantly and I think I was right.

There was a book and some weird object that were totally clean. Everything else in the chamber had too much dust on them. Spider webs were hanging all around. I got closer to that book and a six pointed star was drawn on it with some weird symbols all around it.

The symbols disappeared automatically as I was looking at them and a shiver ran through my spine

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The symbols disappeared automatically as I was looking at them and a shiver ran through my spine. How could it happen? I touched the book and I felt a trigger as if it was trying to hold my finger tightly so I instantly removed it.

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