Chapter 38: Please Join My Crew, Pretty Guy!

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"Finally, it's time for war! Which district should we attack first?!"

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"Finally, it's time for war! Which district should we attack first?!"

Crossing my arms, I prepared myself for an explanation once I give them the clear answer. "It is North Gangbuk—"

"Suhyeon. If your plan was to attack North Gangbuk High...forget it."

I smirked. If I weren't found out yet, I would be pathetically trying so hard to act dumb and let him do the explaining part.

But not anymore.

"You think those bastards are different from what you assume I'm expecting." He blinked his eyes, confused at the words I spoke in a matter of fact tone.

"How did you—"

Not letting him speak up, I drowned down his words. "I'm aware that the guys Kuja defeated last time are low-level thugs, meanwhile their ranked members are on a whole another level of strength."

Hyeondong stared at me in awe. "You are right, Suhyeon. Each and every one of them is an absolute beast of a fighter. Realistically, the only place we could even dare to strike is the Gangbuk Pool Hall."

Now that's the exact location where Haru will be.

"But the leader there is also an incredibly skilled fighter." I nodded, it's true anyway. "It'd be a problem even if you managed to beat them. And if North Gangbuk retaliates by sending their main forces, we're done for."

I can make use of the copy cloud for this to work out, just like how original Suhyeon did.

"If you were thinking of striking North Gangbuk, I beg you to reconsider."

This sounds discouraging, but I understand his concern. Still, that's not enough reason for me to give up.

"You know what they say. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let's not be too hasty in expanding your territory."

He stood infront, and the rest of the guys lined up behind him in a V-shape. "So Suhyeon...which would you like to strike first? East or South Gangbuk High?"

I stood up, stretching my limbs as I took deep breaths. "Perhaps it'd be best to wrap things up with Jaeha Han once and for all?" He suggested, but I merely shook my head.

"Listen up. The place we will strike is..."

Minutes passed...

The other top dogs, Jaeha and Seok, probably got wind of our situation right now. They probably think I've got guts declaring war and even choosing to mess with North Gangbuk instead of the South or East.

Kuja and Hyeondong looks scared shitless, doubtful and in-denial with my decision to choose the Gangbuk Pool Hall they mentioned earlier despite everything he informed me about.

"S-Suhyeon...are you sure this is the right thing for us to do?" Hyeondong sweat-dropped. "Attacking North Gangbuk instead of South or East—"

"Yep!" I cut his words off. "It's not hard to expand our territory. What is crucial to achieve that concern is to recruit more talents to our crew. One way to do that is make the leader of this place to switch up and join our West."

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