Chapter 40: Take a Guess, Suhyeon

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A lot changed just by simply sending off Kuja and Haru with not only one, but two suitcases

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A lot changed just by simply sending off Kuja and Haru with not only one, but two suitcases.

Meanwhile, I'm able to put a card to the test again. Not only do I get to level some of them up and gain experience in this fight.

"This..." With a gut-wrenching Straight Punch, the guy keeled over like a dried seaweed and melted down the ground. I smiled in satisfaction. " so fun!"

Yep, I've finally gone insane. Can't believe I'm actually enjoying fighting now when not long ago, I always cried whenever the system screen shows up for a fighting quest.

But then again, it's probably the influence of the card I just activated right now.

On! Off! card has been activated.

I got the gist of how I can effectively use it now. After several experiments and theories, I concluded that as long as I can do it, then the card will allow it.

This time, I used the same buff I switched on when I fought against Jaeha. But this time, I'm actually in control of myself. How did I do that?

I chose the drawback for this in advance. In exchange of my S stats, I'll have to endure some pain in the muscles later on.

So rather than getting beating up like in the webtoon, it will be me beating the shit out of these guys.

Bastard behind this system is probably cackling and enjoying the new drama unfolding.

"It's just one bitch!" One bastard yelled out in evident fury. His frustration is understandable. "We outnumber her! Don't go one on one, let's all jump in!"

"Yeah, listen to him." I nodded and encouraged them to do it. "The more opponents attack me, the more unconscious bastards there will be."

He gritted his teeth. "Arrogant bitch."

And with the power of their friendship, they unfortunately couldn't withstand the undefeatable power bestowed upon me.

Fucking plot armor.

"This...this can't be..." In the end, they all passed out and went to dreamland. Seeing them all knocked out by row reminds me of Sangcheol and his buddies.

Shit. Not them again—

"Whoa, this is unbelievable!" I quickly turned around, only to see the three guys that originally gave Haru, Kuja, and original Suhyeon a brutal beating.

The first twin in red tilts his head on the side with a cocky expression, a cigarette held in one hand. "You're alone?"

"Do I look like I have company with me?" I sarcastically replied, before averting my gaze on the other side.

The second twin in blue appeared with the same vibes as the first one. "Oh yeah? Let me accompany you then." He stretched his arms in a menacing manner.

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