Chapter 30

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Alistir finally agreed to take me with him to Edessa. He didn't understand why I could possibly want to leave Avenlea. He didn't understand my need for adventure.

From the way the pages of the book seemed to be peeling off, one could tell it had been a while since someone had opened it.

Their court was truly a sight to behold. Their castle rivals even our Castillo. But the most dazzling part has to be their young emperor. He threw a ball in my honor, claiming to have never seen someone as beautiful as me.

The writer can't possibly mean Wariu; he looks as shriveled as you'd expect from his personality.

He filled my dance card with his name for all six dances of the night. Thankfully, Venus had practically forced me to learn Edessian dances before my travels. I could feel Alastir's gaze on me throughout the night. Obviously, he didn't like how the emperor couldn't take his eyes off me either.

We danced and laughed all night. And when it was time to retire to our rooms, the emperor had invited me to watch the stars with him, for it was a clear night and Edessa had not seen one in a few years.

He ordered a servant to bring us food to the gardens and lead me to his favorite spot. It was as beautiful as you'd imagine. Beautiful jasmine flowers surrounded us, reminding me of Alistir's mother.

He did end up kissing me under the moonlight. It was magical. Something out of a fairytale. Even now, my cheeks are heating up, as I describe it. I knew I was already half in love with him as he walked me back to my rooms.

The first entry told me everything I needed to know about the writer. It was the empress or the ex empress. It didn't explain why she would leave him for Alastir later in their future, especially after they had two children of their own.

I flip the page to read the next entry.

This morning, Alastir and the Emperor had their meeting, which is why we came here in the first place. It hasn't been long since the great war, and they are still signing treaties. Any of the treaties King Archeron and the late emperor had signed were null and void now that they'd both stepped down.

Alistir explained it to me this morning. He seemed to hold some anger from last night, based on how irritable he was. He was usually so patient with me, always treating me like a little sister. Especially after what had happened to Luna.

She was always a sister to me too. We were an unbreakable group of girls, Luna, Cerise, Alanna, and Melly. Elaine and Eloise joined us every other day, choosing to keep their own company instead. And Aeryn was way too young to join us anyway.

Even now, years later, I mourn the loss of Luna.

So the empress was Avenlean... Why did Melly make it sound like she was stolen from the emperor then? I tuck the information in my head for later and continue reading.

James came knocking on my door a few hours later. It seems they were done with their meeting.

'The emperor wants to see you.' He'd said with a smirk on his face. 'How do you manage to beguile every man you see?'

'Must be my charm.' I'd smirked back. Honestly, why did Alistir have to bring James? He was a buzzkill, even on his best day.

That must be James Griffin, Alara's husband. Miles' supposed father. I'd noticed the mention of Melly, Cerise, and Alanna as well, though I didn't recognise many of the other names mentioned.

I'd rolled my eyes at James and made my way to the emperor's rooms. It was inappropriate, as was everything else I ever did. My papa would testify to that.

I'd already dressed, knowing that he would call on me at some point. I'd even asked a servant where his quarters were. It turns out they were really close to mine.

I knocked on his door, and he opened it, looking disheveled. He was wearing a simple white shirt and black breeches, the opposite of the formal attire he'd been wearing last night. He was a very decorated soldier. I'd heard stories of his feats even in Avenlea. I had a bad habit of eavesdropping on Alistir and James' private conversations.

Even while his father ruled, he'd worked hard to rise up the ranks in the military. He was given no special treatment; in fact, he was subjected to more scrutiny since he was the heir.

That reminded me of what I'd heard about Yuri. Maybe that was why Wariu hated her; she reminded him too much of his young self. She was also under scrutiny, though probably for a different reason all together.

'Come in. Come in.' He ushered me inside. 'I wanted to run an idea I had by you before I mentioned it to your king.'

Confused was an understatement for how I felt. What could he possibly want to run by me? I'd thought he'd invited me for romantic purposes and not for political ones.

In any case, I was definitely the worst person to ask for political advice. My mother had tried and failed to teach me politics. I never understood why it was something I'd need to learn, especially since I was one of two daughters and Melly had shown more interest in the subject.

Melly? She was Melody's sister? Who is this woman? Melody had never mentioned any family.

He sat me down and smoothed out the lines in my face gently with his fingers, making a shiver dance down my spine. He had an effect on me that I'd never felt with any of the boys back home.

'This is a hard topic to approach and I know we haven't known each other for very long.' He started rambling.

'It's alright. Explain slowly.'

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. His cheeks tinged pink. 'I propose we get married. It would create a stronger alliance than any signed document. And I promise to treat you right.'

His words made me still in place. He wanted to marry me. We'd known each other for less than 24 hours, for gods sake.

'I understand if you say no for fear of not knowing me. You're staying for a week. Ask me anything you want to know, and I'll answer honestly. I want you as my empress, and I will take no other woman.'

He wasn't saying he'd force me; he was saying he'd remain unmarried if I'd said no. That was when I decided that I would say yes by the end of the week. I'll just make him work for it first. 

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