Chapter 34

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My feet feel heavy as I follow Kyoshi to the dining room. I want to go back and beg his forgiveness for what I said. I want to take his bruised face in my hands and kiss away all the pain he feels.

The pain in my heart doesn't fade even when I take my seat next to Yuri on the dining table. I feel her gaze on my face, but I pretend nothing is wrong.

Even if I trust Yuri, telling her about Miles can't end well. She might try to help me and fail miserably too.

No. I'll have to get him out myself. I'll earn their trust to get the freedom to roam the castle alone. I'll have to steal the key from Kyoshi.

"—surprise for Jasmine." I almost don't hear the words coming out of Wariu's mouth over the thoughts in my head.

My eyes rise from my nearly empty plate quickly. I don't have an appetite—I'd have to force some food down my throat to pretend everything is fine.

"What is it?" Even I can tell that my voice is more void of emotion than usual.

"We're having a party for the heir of Telmor's arrival tomorrow. Do find something suitable to wear. Kyoshi will take you to her seamstress." I almost don't process his words. Is this what he was talking about with Darrow earlier?

Telmor has a reigning monarchy too, but it falls under the emperor's rule. I remember hearing stories of how the emperor threatened Telmor's king.

He said he'd take their kingdom by force if they didn't comply with what he wanted. Telmor's king was too old and his heir too young, so they had no chance against Wariu's army.

They'd yielded all of his requests to save their people. I guess the princess will be visiting tomorrow. Probably for a deal of some sort.

"Of course." I lower my chin ever so slightly, already dissociating from the conversation.

I take my leave as soon as I'm done with my meal. I have to come up with a plan. I hear a scraping of chairs as I leave.

"Jasmine, wait up." Yuri calls out.

She catches up with me quickly. "Yeah?" I ask.

She searches my face, trying to understand what I'm feeling. "You know?" Her face lights up with surprise. "I don't suppose it was father who told you."

"Know about what?" I keep my face neutral and continue walking.

"Your prince charming came to save you." Her words send a shiver down my spine. "Damn it. It must've been Kyoshi. I'll have a word or two with her about manners."

"Who are you talking about?" I'm trying so hard to keep the illusion of not knowing who Miles is. "Is it the boy your sister took me to see? I've never seen him in my life."

"Gods, I would've believed you if I didn't know better."

I pretend not to hear her last words. I'll break down if I acknowledge what I'm feeling. I'd rather do that in the comfort of my own room, under the blanket.

"I'll get you both out if you wish." I go utterly still. I spare her a glance over my shoulder. "Give me a few days, and I'll sneak you both out of the castle. I can tell you don't want to be here. Avenlea is waiting for you."

What does she know about Avenlea? I scoff out loud.

"I mean it. They've been awaiting your return for years. I've had direct correspondence with a member of the royal family, behind my father's back, of course."

"Which one?" The confused look on her face makes me elaborate on my words. "Which member of the royal family?"

"Not King Alistir, if that's what you're worried about. His sister, Aurelia. She says his health is declining. I'd help him myself, but you know I can't leave." She lets out a breath. "Valor is helping him, but there's only so much an old man like him can do. They need you."

So she knows of my healing. "You'll help?" I can't stop the way my voice breaks in the end, even if I tried.

"I will. I give you my word as heir."

"But you're not the heir..."

"Not yet anyway." The feral grin on her face makes me laugh. "Who do you think will inherit the throne after the old man dies?"

Maybe I did make an ally here after all. "When will we leave?"

"I'll find you something to escape on first. I'll have to avoid my father's suspicion, though, so it might take a few days. Hold tight and continue pretending you don't know him. If Kyoshi even suspects what we're doing, my father won't hesitate to execute us both. It'll put his favorite daughter on the throne after all." She pauses to think. "And don't go down there again. You'll all but tell them that you care about him."

I nod in agreement. I can do this. I can manage to reign my emotions in for a few days. It's the least I could do.

We continue walking to my room. I try to think of a way to thank her, but I can't find any. She's going to save my life; I'll owe her a life's debt.

I surprise Yuri by giving her a hug before I enter the room. She looks truly lost for words. I wonder when the last time someone hugged her was.

My smile is the biggest it's been in a while, even with the heaviness in my heart. I can't wait to get out of here with Miles. I'll have to apologise for my behavior until we reach Avenlea, but it will all be worth it.

After closing the door, I head for the blanket on the floor, pull out the journal from under the pillow, and start reading where I left off.

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