Chapter 35

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Today, Wariu gave me hideous clothes and told me to wear them. I couldn't even summon an indignant expression because of how disgusted I was. They were practically rags.

He'd mumbled something about leaving in an hour and left abruptly. Surely he didn't think I was charmed by his idea of a date. It was a contrast to both the picnics we had in the gardens.

In any case, I changed into the clothes. By the time I was ready, I found him waiting outside my door. He was dressed in a similar manner, in a very dull outfit that made him look as ordinary as everyone else.

All the way to the palace gates, I'd wondered what he could possibly have in mind. I didn't have to wonder for long, though, because he deigned to explain what was going on.

'I'm going to show you the city. The safest way I could think of was to dress as commoners.' He'd flashed me a lovely smile that I immediately wanted to kiss. 'Our Capital is the most beautiful in the world; I dare say more so than the entirety of Avenlea.'

I seriously doubted it. Avenlea was the most beautiful place in the world. Our land was magical, and so were our people. At least we didn't wear rags.

It isn't hard to notice how privileged the empress was. Kyoshi is definitely her mother's daughter. I have no doubt that the empress is as devious as her daughter, too. How ironic is it that Wariu preferred Kyoshi when Yuri was him in female form?

It didn't take long for us to reach the heart of the city, the market. He wanted to show me the market?

It was very busy as it was midday. All around us, people shopped for their necessities and luxuries. To our left, I watched as an old lady haggled with the shopkeeper. He was obviously ripping her off with the amount he wanted to charge her for some fruit.

Before I had a chance to intervene, Wariu beat me to it. The shopkeeper looked so surprised; I still remember the expression on his face. He immediately recognized Wariu as his emperor and bowed.

'Why are you ripping this lady off?' Wariu said with a steely voice. I had hearts for eyes by then. An attractive emperor with a heart of gold? Sign me right up. I'd almost asked him to marry me right then and there.

'Your majesty, I'm sorry.' The shopkeeper stuttered as he spoke. The lady stood gaping as she watched her emperor negotiate for her to buy some fruit.

Interesting. The emperor was righteous then. It was hard to imagine. It might just be because this is written from the point of view of a woman who was in love with him.

By the time he walked back to where I stood waiting for him, I was grinning like a damn idiot. If Cerise had seen me then, she would've laughed herself to tears. She'd always teased me about being a lovesick fool, though that comment was mostly aimed at me when I interacted with Alistir.

We walked slowly through the market. Anything that I so much as looked at twice was immediately bought. He was carrying several items by the time we reached the other end of the market.

'Let me help you carry some of that.' I offered him my hand so that he'd drop a few bags on it.

'A lady will not lift anything while I'm around.' He frowned, like the idea was truly repulsive.

'What a gentleman.' I teased as I grabbed two of the bags from his hand and ran away quickly.

I giggled like a child as I ran. He eventually caught up with me and snatched the bags from my hands. 'Be my wife.' He breathed against my mouth.

I bit my bottom lip softly, drawing his attention to it. His gaze fell to my lips and remained fixed on them. 'No.' I breathed before I could change my mind.

He smiled then. All the bags were forgotten as he dropped them and held my face in his hands. 'You're going to drive me insane.' He said before he crushed our lips together.

He kissed me until I couldn't form coherent sentences. Until I forgot my own damned name. He kissed like a man starved.

'I ̶' I tried speaking but found that I couldn't. He smiled softly and leaned his forehead against mine.

'I think I love you.' He murmured.

'I think you're a fool.' I whispered.

'I think so, too.' He said before pushing his lips to mine for the second time.

He walked me back to my room like the gentleman he is and pressed another kiss to my lips. 'Dream of me.' He'd said before leaving.

I think I would've fallen for the emperor too if I were in her position. If only he were as lovely now as he was then.

I let out a gasp when Alistir came out of the shadows after Wariu left. He was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of my door. 'We're leaving in 5 days. What are you doing with him?'

'That's none of your damned business, Al.'

'Like hell, it isn't. He'll hurt you. Do you think he'll make you empress? How will he explain an Avenlean on the throne? You're a damned idiot; that's what you are.' He shook his head slowly, his anger obvious.

I'd raised my head in defiance and replied. 'I'm not Luna. Stop treating me like a child.' I wished the floor would swallow me whole as soon as the words were out of my mouth. His eyes flashed with hurt before he concealed it under more anger.

'Let him consume you. I don't care anymore, but don't come crying when he breaks your heart.' He left without saying another word.

I never thought Alistir would turn his back on me. I was a fool for counting on his love so heavily. I know I lost a friend today, or worse yet, a brother. 

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