Chapter 1

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Valentine's Day the most romantic day of the year. For me, it was a constant reminder that my heart had been forever changed. The day I vowed never to let myself get hurt again.

I sat in my room on the floor, painting my toenails, while my best friend Kaylee was sprawled out on my bed, glancing at her phone, catching up on school gossip. She rambled on about the latest in Sadie and Isaac's on-again, off-again relationship. Every other week, they were breaking up in the courtyard, parking lot, or in the middle of the cafeteria at school. Apparently, they had a big argument this week in one of their classes that got them both sent to the office.

"Why don't you go get your toenails done?" Kaylee asked, resting her hand on the top of my head.

"Because I can't stand people touching my feet. Besides, I like doing them myself." I blew on my toes while knocking her hand off my head. "Who's going to see my toes up close anyway?" I screwed the top back on the polish, looking down at my toes to make sure I hadn't smudged them.

"Well..." Kaylee puckered her lips, raising her eyebrows as if she were trying to come up with an answer to my statement. "If you'd start dating again, I'm sure some guy would love to see your cotton candy toes." She smiled, dodging my hand. Kaylee Archer had been my best friend since we were little. So, I've learned to ignore her comments. She knew exactly why I wasn't, nor would I ever date another high school guy. They weren't worth my time or effort anymore.

"I have more important things to worry about, like getting my college application list ready." I carefully stood up and walked over to my vanity, placing my polish next to the other colors. "I don't intend on wasting my last year and a half of high school worrying about some stupid guy."

Kaylee twisted her mouth to keep from saying something. She did that whenever she kept herself from saying something she knew would upset me. She stood up, stretched, and asked if I wanted anything from the kitchen. I shook my head no because we were supposed to be leaving to get something to eat soon. She put her phone down on the bed and opened my door. She paused in the doorway. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I walked across the room, keeping an eye on my toes. I peeked my head out into the hallway, straining to hear anything out of the ordinary. "Oh, that's probably Nate. He went to a party last night." I stepped back toward the bed.

"Party? I thought he was supposed to be grounded for a week because he snuck out last weekend to go to a party."

I shrugged my shoulders, flopping down on my bed. "You know, Nate." I reached for my phone.

"What about me?" He stopped right outside my door, peeking in. "That all the girls want my body. Well, some want more than my body." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Eww! You're disgusting." I blurted out, setting my phone to the side. "How did you manage to get out of being grounded?" I tilted my head, crossing my arms.

"I told them that I'd never do it again." He flashed his perfect white teeth. "Besides, are they even home?" He raised an eyebrow, frowning. Our parents, Colin and Susan Yates, or as we knew them, "The Workaholics." Since we've gotten older, they've become more career-oriented, leaving us alone a lot of the time. Most kids would love to have the run of their house and be able to do whatever they want. It got lonely often, especially when my friends couldn't come over and stay with me. Nate was usually off with his friends or fucking some girl up in his room. Mom was busy trying to get a big promotion at her job, while Dad had just been promoted to a senior office position. They told me, but most of the time, I didn't hear a word they said because they never asked us about our days or how school was going. It was always about their work and what they wanted to do once they got promoted.

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