LEVEL 131 - "Hero Billboard Chart"

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A/N: Y/n and Izuku give off such black cat x golden retriever vibes, love them sm 🫶

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A/N: Y/n and Izuku give off such black cat x golden retriever vibes, love them sm 🫶

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"This is the first billboard chart since the Kamino incident, where the Symbol of Peace, All Might, was driven to an early retirement." A reporter explains regretfully, their camera man recording from their spot infront of them. "Everyone understands how important this is!"

"Until today, heroes did not appear on stage for the announcement, but this time is different! Take a look!" The reporter leans forward eagerly, the camera man adjusting his position to make the camera face the stage.

"Number ten! Dropping down one rank from number nine last time, Dragon Hero: Ryukyu!" The man on stage announces, the crowd cheering as the hero stands up.

Ryukyu raises her hand in the air in greeting to her fans before glancing off to the side with a sheepish expression. "Honestly, I don't think I deserve it this time..."

"Number nine! He went down, too! But he won't be defeated! Equipped Hero: Yoroi Musha!" The man on stage introduces, a bulky man covered in samurai armor walking onto the stage.

"Outside of the top three, a ranking like this is all erroneous based on the tide of times." Yoroi Musha grumbles, shaking his head faintly as the armor clinks.

"...Alright then!" The man on stage looks away awkwardly, "Onto number eight! From the 'Clean and Shiny' commercial, Laundry Hero: Wash!"

"Wash! Wash-ash-ash!" The hero squeaks, hands waving back and forth like an excited child.

"Number seven! A huge leap from their previous rank, a promising hero whose growth won't stop, Kamui Woods!" The man on stage announces.

"I'm honored." Kamui Woods waves to his fans generously— expression unreadable due to the wood-like structure of his face.

"Number six! From the orthodox school of manliness, he reliably keeps his ranking! Shield Hero: Crust!" The man on stage turns towards the hero.

"I wanted to see you in action more... All Might...!" Crust mourns, thin trails of tears streaming down his face.

"Uh... onto Number five!" The man on stage quickly recovers as he turns towards the next hero. "A bunny with a determined spirit has risen in the rankings! Rabbit Hero: Mirko!"

"I heard you formed a team?" Mirko comments to the hero next to her; a smug grin spreading across her face. "Weakling."

"Number four! This mysterious ninja's had a huge jump in cases resolved and approval rating! Ninja Hero: Edgeshot!"

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