Chapter Six

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Rody followed Vince into his apartment, helping him carry the groceries up. There were only two bags, but Vince insisted that Rody helped him.

Rody was reluctant, since Vince's apartment always made him feel weird. Just, something about it made his skin crawl. The last time he was there he saw a weird silhouette outside Vince's window, and that image stuck with him.

Vince took the bag that Rody had been carrying for him, and walked into the kitchen, setting both bags down onto the kitchen counter.
Rody had followed after him, and walked over next to Vince. Vince glanced at him for a moment, before looking back at the bags on the counter.

"Thank you Rody, for helping me." He muttered, looking anywhere but at Rody. It was just odd to him still, having Rody wanting to hangout with him.

Why did Rody want to hangout with him of all people anyway? Didn't he have friends he could bother?

"No problem Vince, I'm just glad I could be useful." Rody said, smiling softly. He liked being useful, and was hoping Vince would somewhat be proud of him for not screwing something like grocery shopping up. Which was something he actually managed to screw up once.

Vince took the groceries out of the bags, before crumbling those bags up together and handing them to Rody. "Here, throw those away." He said, before focusing back on the groceries.
Rody looked down at the crumbled up bags, and then over to the trashcan near the fridge. He let his thoughts get the better of him, and tried to throw the bags into the trashcan.

They didn't make it far, which just made Rody have to manually go throw them away, how boring.

"Did you seriously try to throw those into the can? That's now how throwing something away works." Vince said, having seen the paper bags fly about two feet before landing on the ground from the corner of his eyes.

"Yeah well- I thought I'd make it.." Rody mumbled, walking back over to Vince after dropping the bags into the trash.
"You're an idiot." Vince said, rolling his eyes. Rody grumbled something incoherent, and leaned forward against the counter tops.

Vince just put the groceries away, not paying too much mind to Rody. He seemed to be lost in thought anyway, so he didn't really see a point in making conversation.
Rody was in fact lost in thought, that thought being about Manon. Did Vince know she was missing? He didn't really seem to care much when Rody brought her up earlier, so maybe he just didn't know she was missing? Or maybe he did have something to do with it.

Rody didn't want to believe that Vince had anything to do with Manon's disappearance, sure, he may be a dark and harsh person, but that doesn't mean he made Manon disappear! Right?
Even if he did have something to do with it, why would he want her to disappear? What would be the point?

He didn't have feelings for her, and wasn't really interested in her, so why would he want her to disappear? Unless, he was interested in Rody?

No, that definitely wasn't it. He didn't even like Rody that much, of course he wasn't interested in him like that.
Rody sighed, and stood up straight, noticing that Vince had finished putting his groceries away beside a few things.

"Are you planning to cook something?" Rody asked, tilting his head slightly. "Yes, I am. I just plan to make a simple sandwich, but if you're hungry I could make you something to eat." Vince said, grabbing a knife from one of his kitchen drawers. A rather sharp knife.
Rody thought for a few moments, he hadn't eaten in a few days, and even though he didn't feel hungry, he knew he was.

"Sure, something to eat would be nice." He said, giving Vince a grateful yet weak smile.
"Alright then, what do you want to eat? You never did tell me your favorite food." Vince said, placing the knife down on a cutting board he kept on his counter top.

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