Chapter Twelve

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Vince groaned, frustrated and worried. Rody had just half asleep told him he wanted to kill himself, how could he not worry?

He cared about Rody, he'd established that already. He cared about his mental and physical well being, and neither of those things were good right now.

"Rody, can you please just explain to me why you just said what you said?" Vince asked, almost sounding as if he was pleading with Rody.

Rody looked anywhere but at Vince, feeling ashamed and stupid. He was just so tired, and Vince was the only thing on his mind, and the mention of work and being away from it just- made him blurt out what he did.
Vince sighed, and gently placed a hand on top of Rody's.

He hated comforting people, but then again, this was Rody. He wasn't some random person, not anymore anyway. He was more, to Vince.

"Rody, just tell me what's going on." He said, his voice was soft and sweet, unlike how he'd normally sound. Rody looked at him, his eyes watery. He hated talking about his issues.

"I just- I don't know how to explain it Vince." He said, combining a shaky hand through his hair. "I keep seeing something, I kept realizing more and more how pathetic I am, and my thoughts- fuck." Rody groaned, sounding frustrated and annoyed.

"I feel like I'm going insane, Vince." He added, his voice sounding broken and afraid.
Vince stared at Rody, his eyes slightly wide. Well shit, now he felt bad, Rody looked even more fuckable upset. That was probably a messed up thought.

"Rody, you're not pathetic." Vince sighed, taking Rody's hands into his. "Did you, hurt yourself or anything like that yesterday?" Vince asked suddenly, causing Rody to freeze.

He looked away from Vince, and whined. He had hurt himself, while Vince had left him alone In the apartment.
He didn't go for his arms, but a much more sensitive area. His thighs.

"Y-yeah.. s-sorry." Rody mumbled, pulling back away from Vince. "Where at? Let me see, I need to make sure you're okay." Vince said, gently pulling Rody closer to him.
He didn't want to see Rody hurt, especially in the same way he'd been hurt before.

Rody covered his face with his hands, seemingly embarrassed. "M-my thighs.." He muttered, his face flushed.

Vince paused. Fuck. He'd have to clean and disinfect Rody's fucking thighs, Vince prayed to whatever stupid god was out there that he kept himself under control.

"Alright, let me go get my med kit."




"This feels embarrassing." Rody mumbled, sitting on the edge of his bed In his underwear, his bloody and cut up thighs exposed.
"Se détendre, you'll survive." Vince said, gently moving a hand to one of Rody's legs. He gently pushed it to the side, and used a wet cloth he'd gotten from the bathroom to wipe up the dried blood.

Rody whined and winced, looking away as he felt the sting of cool water against his aching wounds. Fuck, he hoped he didn't get hard, he was quite sensitive when it came to his thighs. It was exactly the reason he'd cut there.

He kinda felt bad, since he'd stolen a knife from Vince's kitchen, which is what he used to do what he did.

He enjoyed feeling the pain however, he smiled once he saw the red droplets of blood from. He wanted to hurt, which is what he had been feeling, but for some twisted reason he enjoyed it.

Vince tried to focus on Rody's bloodied wounds, trying his best to be gentle as he cleaned the blood up.
He couldn't help but glance at Rody though, his eyes trailing over his exposed lower half.

He wanted to lick Rody's wounds clean, kiss along the cuts, suck marks into his skin, give him even more wounds. Fuck, he was starting to lose it.

He took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus. He finished cleaning the dried blood from Rody's left thigh, and moved to the right one, where he repeated the process.
Rody winced again, biting his bottom lip slightly.

Every touch he felt sent shivers up his spine, and he took deep breaths to keep himself calm. He wanted more of Vince's touch, his warm hands pressing against his needy body.
He just wanted to be touched again, and wanted to be needed by someone.

He didn't know why he wanted that someone to be Vince so badly, but he did. He wanted Vince to absolutely ruin him.
He wanted to kiss him, wanted to touch him, wanted to be near him, he wanted him.

Why did it have to be Vince of all people?

"There, they're all cleaned." Vince said as he finished using the wash cloth to clean Rody's cuts.
He then opened his med kit, grabbing some gaze and bandages. He wrapped the gaze around Rody's thighs, and then the bandages.

"Mm.. thanks Vincent.." Rody muttered, his voice a bit shaky. "You're welcome, Rody." Vince started, putting the medical supplies up.

"Please, don't do this to yourself again." He added, standing up from where he'd been kneeling on the floor in front of Rody.

"But you have sca-" Rody started, but immediately cut himself off. He knew how private Vince was, and he didn't want to bring up his scars.

Vince sighed, and sat next to Rody. He hesitantly rolled his sleeves up, revealing the large amount of scars he had.
"These, yeah. These are scars though, what you have is fresh." Vince said, looking down at his arms.

He felt disgusted looking at his own scars, they made him feel sick. He felt hideous with them.

Rody's eyes trailed over Vince's arms, and he gently grabbed one of his wrists, pulling it up to his lips. He then gently, placed soft kisses against as many of Vince's scars as he possibly could.
He liked them, he thought Vince looked perfect with them. He wished he could shower him with the touch and affection he knew he needed.

"Rody-" Vince's breath hitched, and his eyes widened. He'd never, had someone kiss his scars. It felt weirdly nice, but maybe that was because Rody was doing it.
Sometimes he wondered how he'd react if someone else did this to him, because he knew he wouldn't act the way he was currently.

His face flushed a soft pink, his eyes avoiding Rody's gaze. His heart pounded against his chest, and he shuddered.
Maybe Vince liked Rody more than he thought he had, because this- this wasn't something he'd allow happen normally.

"Maybe when mine heal.. I'll be as beautiful as you are, Vincent."

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