Chapter Fourteen

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Rody probably had more mental breakdowns at Vince's apartment, than he ever did his own. That stupid silhouette, it was taunting him.
It would appear out of the corner of his eye, in any mirror, and would constantly be trying to get to Rody.

It hasn't mange to hurt him like last time, but he's becoming increasingly paranoid. He doesn't want to die because of a silhouette of what looked to be his ex-girlfriend.
He was still trying to move on from Manon, and having a creepy silhouette that looks like her following him around wasn't helping.

He wondered what this meant, was this just silhouette, or something worse?
Was Manon dead? Was that what this was?

Rody didn't want to think about that, he didn't want to think about Manon anymore. He spent two years with her, being the best partner he could possibly be, but it wasn't enough.

He wasn't ever enough.

"Rody-?" Vince said, snapping Rody out of his thoughts. He kept zoning out like this, and he hated it.

It had been around three days since the whole self harm and suicidal thought incident, and he was still struggling quite a bit. He didn't expect Vince to help him, but he had been, a lot.

If Rody hurt himself, he'd get him cleaned up and make sure he was okay.
If he was having a breakdown, Vince would lay down with him and just allow him to get his emotions out.
If he was thinking about killing himself or doing something bad, Vince would calm him down.

Rody didn't really know why Vince put up with him, but it was nice knowing he cared for him.

"Yeah? Sorry, did I zone out again?" Rody asked, tilting his head slightly. It was work after hours, and Rody had been helping Vince clean up. He kept going silent and numb at times, and that worried Vince.

He wouldn't admit that out loud though, but Rody could tell he was worrying. It was nice having someone care.

"Yes Rody, you did. Are you alright?" Vince asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood in front of Rody. He looked pretty.

Rody kept finding himself staring at Vince more often, thinking about him more, needing him more. It wasn't that noticeable, hopefully.
"I'm fine, just lost in thought I guess." Rody said, shrugging slightly. He was just having a hard mental time, but he was fine.

Vince sighed, and uncrossed his arms. "Alright, come with me Rody. You need a better distraction than sweeping." He said, he decided the best thing for Rody currently, was to take him out somewhere so he was distracted.




Rody followed Vince as they walked downtown, Vince holding an umbrella over them both. Vince had bought another umbrella after he gave Rody his last one.

It was raining, not hard, but still it was raining. Vince was talking Rody down to a small park area, hoping some time outside would clear his head. He needed some fresh air for himself anyway.

"It's been really wet lately-" Rody said, glancing around at the people walking past holding umbrellas.

It was late winter, and instead of snow or something, it rained. It wasn't that bad, and besides, the rain was nice.

"Yeah, but a little rain never killed anyone." Vince said, glancing at Rody. Vince let Rody borrow some of his clothes, and seeing him wear them made his heart beat quickly. He looked cute.

"It's still cold though." Rody said, chuckling nervously. Vince smiled slightly, he liked hearing Rody laugh.
He wished he'd hear it more often.

"Come on, we're here." Vince said, stopping in front of the opening to a black metal gate with. Rody nodded, following Vince as they walked into the park.

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