❄️This Is The way It Goes, I Guess❄️

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Creativity: 15/15

Okay, I really liked the ones that author this story. Then, let me explain why Earth isn't real. Now, here's my theory on the creativity of the author: I feel like it's not the earth isn't real. I feel like everybody that is in this game, so to speak, is either dead or in a coma, and the reason I feel this way is because of the way that the author presents this story, the creativity of the story, and how they make it like this story is a Game like where they're at is a game they're going to have to go against each other and be okay with this, and you can tell they're not. Let me tell you that form of creativity makes me feel like the Hunger Games material.

Originality: 15/15

This definitely is a story that I have not read in the years that I've been reviewing, and even now, reviewing again, I've not read a story like this besides like The Hunger Games. This isn't like the Hunger Games in that aspect. I feel like they have either died or they're in a coma. But the way the author is bringing you into their world and letting you sit on the edge of your chair or bed wondering if this is real or not is what amazes me. Because you're not sure they have nightmares, but then they wake up, but then there's no sense of time. Of these things, say, or dream or death. I'm not sure which one, and that's what's amazing.

Storytelling: 15/15

The storytelling is out  of this world amazing. I don't even know how to explain how interesting and fantastic and phenomenal and outstanding and unique this story is and the way that the storytelling has you continuously guessing the ending like you want to know what really is going on with this story, but I also feel like it messes with your mind because you're not sure if this is reality or not. So I give the author kudos to that because this story has me smiling like a child ready to unwrap that gift, but it's a prank gift, so you have to jump through hoops to figure out if it's a real gift or not. That's what this storytelling is giving me, and I am living for it.

Character: 15/15

I love the characters because each has their unique personality, but they are also confused. I don't know what's going on, and I think it's even more interesting because one of the main characters it's like she doesn't remember anything after a certain grade level. I think she's either once again dead in a coma, has amnesia, or in a dream. My guess is, and those were continuously my guesses. At the end of the day, the way that the story is and the way that the author has made these characters, I live for these characters like these characters are living probably rent-free in my head cause I want to know the outcome.

Story Flows 10 /15

Do you see below that I have clipped part of the story in chapter three? This doesn't make sense. You say that means we finally get to know what the heck you look like. That doesn't make sense. It should be that they finally get to see how she looks. They don't get to know how the heck she looks. They get to see how she looks. That's the only issue I had when it came to the story flow. It didn't sound right to say it out loud or to myself in my head. And the more I reread it, the more it just sounded out of place, like it should have been worded differently. The rest of the story flowed very nicely. There was a number of other errors or mistakes. No other sentence structures sounded out of place or did inflow well. This was the only one that I had found.

 This was the only one that I had found

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Cover Design:0 /15

There is no cover so for that I can't give points because there's no cover.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

At the end of the day, this is a very lovely story, but at the same time, it's a very puzzle-like story, and I love that. I say it is a puzzle-like story because it feels like The Hunger Games but differently. Reading the story you meet a lot of different people in the story in the first chapter, and you try to figure out what's going on. If you think about it, according to these people, the earth that we know is nonexistent. There is no such thing as Earth, and where they are at now is a game. Now, for me, that is like a mind puzzle right there because Earth isn't real. Why is this a game? Then the author goes on to say that the main characters have dreams, but they don't have a sense of time or things like that. I think that this world that they are in is actually not reality at all and that they are either in that comatose state. They are dead, or maybe they're stuck in a dream. Another thought I had was, what if they got injured and right now they're in a coma and they have some amnesia or something? Unsure, but I know that it has me with so many different theories, so I give the author 100% kudos and praise for that. For me to sit up here and try to ponder the ending of a story because it has me so invested in it, wanting to know the outcome is a lot. Good, because usually I don't sit around pondering stories unless something grabs me, and something in the story has grabbed me, and I really want to know if I'm correct or what the actual outcome of this story is. I hope this story gets more attraction. I hope that it gets what it deserves.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  80

Summary of the book: 

no summary 


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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