Chapter Twenty Three

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Rody was in fact screwed when him and Vince got back, and he definitely deserved it for doing what he did with Vince in a public bathroom.
At least now he gets lots of attention during the aftercare.

"Did you have to bite me so hard?" Rody asked, wincing as Vince disinfected the marks he'd left on Rody's skin. "Did you have to dry hump me in a public place?" Vince asked, glaring at Rody.

"Okay, fair enough." Rody said, sighing softly. "Not my fault you looked so good.." He added, making Vince roll his eyes.

"At least I know how to restrain myself, like when i first saw you wearing that corset." Vince said, bandaging up the mark on Rody's neck.
He'd bitten him hard enough that blood was drawn to the surface, and he didn't want him to get sick or infected because of it.

Rody blinked, a sudden realization hitting him. "Vince.. how long have you liked me?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.
"When you first started working for me." Vince answered, not thinking much of the questions.

He hadn't really caught feelings for Rody until halfway through his first week, but he did take a liking to him when they first met.
Rody blushed slightly, a small smile on his face. Had Vince really liked him for that long?

"What are you smiling about?" Vince asked, putting the medical supplies he'd gotten for Rody's bite marks away.
"Nothing.. I just thought you hated me when we first met." Rody said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Vince tilted his head slightly, and sat down next to Rody. "Why? I never hated you, you were just- unprofessional." He said, grabbing his and Rody's shirts from the floor.

"I don't know.. you always looked at me weird." Rody said, taking his shirt out of Vince's hands.
"I did? Normally whenever I looked at you I was mostly checking you out." Vince said, putting his shirt on before helping Rody with his.

Rody liked whenever Vince helped him get dressed, it made him feel so- special.

"That was you checking me out?" Rody asked, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "I was also really lost in thought, so shut up." Vince said, scoffing.
Rody chuckled, and wrapped his arms around Vince. He kissed him gently, and pulled him closer.

Vince didn't hesitate to kiss back, even if it caught him off guard. Sadly he had to pull away, having heard knocking from the front door.

"I should go get that, stay here." Vince said, standing up and quickly leaving the room. Rody watched him leave, feeling a bit sad.

How he wished they could love each other normally.




Vince was talking quite a while to come back, and Rody got worried. He ended up sneaking out and into the kitchen, where he had a decent view of the living room, and wouldn't be seen by Vince.

He could see Vince standing in the living room, talking with three people. People Rody had seen before.
It was Manon's parents, and their lawyer. What were they doing there?

He listened in, and heard something that made his heart sink.

"We know you have something to do with Manon's death!" Manon's mother said, sounding as if she was crying.
"I already told you, I have no idea what happened to her." Vince said, sounding rather calm, and almost emotionless.

Manon was, dead? Rody thought she was only missing? How was she dead? What happened to her? Why did they think Vince did it? What was going on..

Rody felt tears prick his eyes, and he took small shaky breaths to keep calm. He continued listening in, hearing the ways Manon's parents described how they knew she was dead, and what had happened to her.

Somebody had apparently found a black trash bag, filled with the severed body parts of Manon, large amounts of her flesh having been cut out.
Rody felt sick, who would do something like that to her? Why would they do that? Why would anyone ever hurt Manon?

Sure, Rody was over her by now, but he still cared. He'd let himself move on, let himself try and forget her. But how could he forget now?

"We know you did it! You were the last person to see her!" Manon's father shouted, making Rody jump slightly.
He felt backwards and landed on the floor with a thud, making the room In front of him go silent.

That probably wasn't good.

"I-i'll- I need to check on that." Vince said, taking a deep breath as he left the living room and went to the kitchen.
He found Rody, on the floor, years rolling down his cheeks, and his eyes filled with fear.

Vince's eyes widened, and he glanced into the living room, before he looked back at Rody. He walked over to him and knelt down in front of him, cupping his face.
"Rody, what are you doing?.." He whispered, sounding concerned and worried. He had really hoped Rody didn't hear any of that, but from the way he was acting- he most likely did.

Rody hugged Vince tightly, burying his face against his neck.

"I-im sorry.. y-you were just gone for so long- I got worried.." Rody muttered, keeping his voice quiet so no one heard him.
He was worried about Vince, worried he'd be taken away from him. Vince couldn't have killed Manon, could he?

Vince sighed softly and wrapped his arms around Rody, kissing the top of his head. "My apologies dear.. go wait in the room for me alright? I'll try to wrap this up." He said, before forcing himself to pull away from Rody.

Rody sniffled and nodded, getting up and heading back to the bedroom.

He didn't think Vince was capable of killing someone, but he didn't know the half of it.

He didn't know the horrible things that Vince had done to Manon. He didn't know he killed her, skinned her, and cut her flesh out.
He didn't know, and it's a mystery if he ever will know.

He still has the freezer key, and his mind is starting to make him doubt things. Maybe he should go check inside the freezer, just to prove to himself Vince didn't do this.

Vince couldn't have done it.

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