Chapter Twenty Five

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Rody stared at himself in the mirror, wondering if he looked good enough for his and Vince's date.
He knew it was just an at home date, but Rody wanted to look nice. Plus he wanted to get lucky.

He was wearing a white balloon sleeve shirt, with black dress pants and his corset. He really liked wearing the corset, especially since it made him look a lot slimmer.
He has a few body insecurities, mostly because he was a man in his late twenties with horrible past relationships trauma.

He wished he was younger, then he'd probably be slimmer, and would look nicer. Vince deserved so much better than him, and he worried that he didn't actually like or find him attractive.

He always had these doubts, even if he was just muscular, he didn't like how he looked. Most people would love a guy with his body type, but he absolutely hated it.
He wished he didn't look the way he did, he wished he was slimmer, less tired looking with better hair.

Speaking of his hair, he had it tied back in another low ponytail, completing his outfit. At least he knew how to dress nice, the perks of being bisexual.

Rody sighed softly, looking over himself again. Would Vince think he looks good? Would he think he was attractive like this?
Sometimes Rody wondered if Vince preferred him in the corset, he did say he looked nice in it.

Maybe he should wear it more often, under his normal clothing perhaps?

Rody heard the bathroom door open, and glanced over, seeing Vince. He was dressed how he normally would, but a little bit fancier for Rody.

Vince's eyes trailed over Rody, and he walked over to him. "You're looking nice.." He said, wrapping his arms around Rody's waist from behind.
He loved holding Rody's waist and touching his torso, they were his favorite parts of his body.

Rody hummed, seeming distracted as he continued looking at himself in the mirror.

Vince noticed Rody's ponytail, and gently reached a hand up, undoing it. Rody glanced at him, confused.
"Why'd you do that?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. "Because, you look nice with your messier hair." Vince said, smiling softly as he combined his fingers through Rody's hair.

Rody thought for a moment, before signing softly. "Do you think I look better in the corset?.." He asked, a bit nervous to hear the answer to that question. He needed to know.
Vince looked at Rody, confused.

"I think you look good no matter what.." He said, gently kissing along the side of Rody's neck. "You're perfect my dear.." He added, making Rody's heart skip a beat.

God, he loved this man.




Rody sat on a barstool at Vince's kitchen counter, watching as he cooked for him. It felt nice, having someone care for him as much as Vince did.

He wished he could cook, that way he could make something special for Vince, as a way to repay him. But every thing he cooked ended up horribly burnt, so he couldn't cook anything for Vince.
Maybe he could buy him something nice? He had been saving up all of the money he got paid for, and he had a decent amount. He could get Vince something, nice, something that he'd really like.

Maybe something lemon themed? Or maybe some new kitchen knives? Something that Vince would want.
He'd have to take him out sometime, they could go on another date together where Rody absolutely spoiled him.

He didn't care that Vince was already rich, he'd still spend all his money on him, just for him.

Rody continued watching Vince, completely fixated on him. He wanted to kiss him, so so badly. He always wanted to kiss him.
His lips were often a little cracked, but always so soft.

Rody loved it. He loved him.

He stood up from his sitting place, and walked over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind. He couldn't help it, he wanted to touch and feel him
Vince paused for a moment, and glanced back at Rody, before continuing to focus on cooking.

"Rody, what are you doing?" He asked softly, not really protesting against the sudden affection really.
"Mm.. just wanted you." Rody muttered, nuzzling his face against the side of Vince's neck. "I always want you.." He added, kissing Vince's shoulder.

Vince blushed, and sighed softly. He wished more guys were like Rody, sweet and affectionate.

"I still have to cook for you, don't distract me too much alright?" Vince said, turning his head slightly and giving Rody a small kiss on the cheek.
Rody purred and nodded, nuzzling his face against the side of Vince's neck. "Mm.. alright, sorry." He muttered, sighing softly.

"It's alright, I just don't want to mess up with this soup. It's very special." Vince said, a small grin on his lips.

It was special, since it did have a very certain kind of meat in it, once Vince had to collect himself.

Rody glanced at the pot on the stove, tilting his head curiously. "How do?" He asked, pulling away from Vince slightly.
Vince hummed, and looked into the pot. This served Manon right for breaking Rody's heart.

"It's made with a very special ingredient, one I'm sure you'll love." Vince said, smiling softly at Rody. He knew his lover would enjoy it, it was made with love after all.

Rody glanced at Vince, curious about this special soup he was making for him. How could a soup be special? What did Vince put in it?

Vince chuckled softly at Rody's curious look, he was always so adorable like this. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, already having a pretty good guess for the answer.
"Just- curious. What did you use that's so special?" Rody asked, glancing at the mix of food items in the pot.

"Just.. a special kind of meat." Vince said, grabbing the pot's lid and closing it. It needed time to simmer.

"A special meat? What kind?" Rody asked, now he was really curious.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you my love, it's a secret ingredient type of situation." Vince said, putting on a warm smile.

He didn't feel like lying to Rody and saying the meat was some kind of beef, so he decided he'd just twist the truth around a little bit.

He didn't want to ruin anything after all.


(So I have school tomorrow, yay. Anyway, chapters are going to be a bit shorter, and might come out later than normal, but I will still be updating frequently!)

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