Chapter Twenty Six

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Rody sat back on the barstool at the counter, watching as Vince continued cooking. He was almost done, and Rody was excited because he was really hungry.

He hadn't really eaten that day, his nerves all over the place with excitement for his and Vince's date.
He was excited to try the soup Vince was making for him, especially since Vince had said it was very special.

He can't remember the last time someone made him something special. Well, he can. He just, doesn't want to think about her anymore.

Vince glances over at Rody, and sighs softly. He wished he could dissect Rody's brain, pick around the pieces, learn as much about him as he could.
He'd never hurt Rody, no. He had planned to at some point, before they were dating. But now, well now things are different.

He wished he could consume Rody, have him become a part of his body. But he loved him too much.

He preferred him alive anyway.

Vince sighed softly, and checked on the soup. He started it about an hour and a half ago, and it looked pretty well done.
Considering Rody had been sitting and watching him the whole time, he guessed he was pretty hungry, and bored.

"Rody, your food is done." Vince said, moving over to a cabinet next to the stove. He grabbed a bowl and set it on the counter, while he found a soup ladle as well.
He didn't plan on eating any of the soup, it was for Rody after all, not him.

Rody perked up at the sound of food, looking like an excited puppy dog.

Vince smiled softly, Rody was absolutely adorable.

Vince took the soup lid off, and placed the ladle inside it. He pulled it out after scooping some of the soup up, and poured it into the bowl. He made sure to get plenty of everything, especially the meat.
He didn't go through all that trouble getting it for nothing after all.

Rody sat patiently at the counter, excited and hungry. He couldn't wait to try the soup, especially since Vince had made it for him.
Vince finished pouring the soup, and grabbed a spoon out of a drawer, before he walked over to Rody and placed it down in front of him.

"Here you go love." He said, giving Rody a warm smile.
Rody smiled back, and looked at Vince gratefully. "Thank you, Vince." He said, his voice extra soft and loving.

Vince watched carefully as Rody picked the spoon up and dipped it into the bowl, a smile on his face.

Manon didn't die for nothing, she died for this.

Rody put the spoon in his mouth, smiling happily at the taste. It had a small hint of lemon to it, and all the ingredients blended perfectly together.
The meat was, interesting however.

It was tender, soft, and sweet. Sweeter than any meat Rody had tasted before. It was good, but definitely new and strange to Rody.

"How is it?" Vince asked, sitting down next to Rody on one of his barstools.
Rody smiled and took another spoonful into his mouth, happy and grateful.

"Really good!" He said, enjoying every bite he took. He really needed to eat more of Vince's food.

Vince smiled, watching as Rody ate. He couldn't help but feel a sense of love and pride wash over him.

Manon deserved this, to be eaten, to be savored. She was a sweet woman of course, and Vince did think she was a lovely friend, but she'd broken Rody's heart.
She deserved what happened to her, to be chopped up, used and eaten. It was her own fault.

Now, her lovely ex-boyfriend was eating soup made with her ingredients, and he was enjoying every bite of it.

Vince had worked so hard, Manon really was a pain to deal with. She struggled a lot, and was so, so very resistant when Vince started cutting her up.
She was still fun to kill however, especially when she was screaming and crying to be let go, begging to live so she could see Rody again.

Vince found it funny, how she wanted to see Rody again, when she was the one who broke it off with him.

She started flirting with Vince almost a day after as well, how pathetic could she be? Vince was more than happy when he killed her.

He didn't kill her before he started chopping her up, no no. She bled to death, and only really died after Vince cut her limbs off.

He'd taken her flesh off her as she was still alive, and watched as she cried and begged in agony.

Maybe he should have started with her body, since she most likely would have suffered a lot more that way.

Oh well, Vince could always try again with the next person who Hurt Rody.

"This is a really good soup Vince!" Rody said, snapping Vince out of his twisted thoughts.
Vince smiled softly, and pecked Rody's cheek.

"I'm glad you enjoy it my dear, it is made especially for you." He said, a dark and twisted smile on his face that appeared as loving and sweet to Rody.

Rody didn't suspect anything, he was only confused about why Manon's parents were after Vince, and what could be in the freezer.
He had no clue what Vince had, and would probably never find out.

Unless he checked in the freezer, where Manon's blood covered locked still laid. Having been tossed under a small table, where he sat, cracked open and bloody.

Vince didn't even know the dam thing was there, and if he did, he would have probably been able to stop Rody later on down the line.

If only they knew, the horrors that would soon happen to the both of them.

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