Chapter Twenty Seven

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Rody had really enjoyed the food Vince made for him, so much so he had more than one helping. He was pretty hungry after all.
If he had any clue how to cook, he'd make something for Vince in return. But he didn't, he was horrible at cooking, and just making food in general.

He'd have to buy something premade for Vince, which wasn't bad- but he was a bit sad it wasn't made by him.

Maybe he could force himself to learn how to cook? That might work possibly.

Rody sighed, curling up on Vince's bed. He'd already finished eating, and was just waiting on Vince to get out of the bathroom so they could go to bed.
He didn't want to go to bed without Vince near him.

He'd gotten accustomed to cuddling with someone, something he never got with Manon much.

They cuddled, sure. But Manon never visited Rody often, and wouldn't let Rody visit her. He didn't understand it, but had respected it since he respected her.

He was more than happy that Vince paid attention to him, that he cuddled him, held him, and kissed him. It was always so comforting to Rody.
He wished he'd gotten it more in his past relationships.

Rody was starting to get bored, he knew Vince was taking a bath, but he was gone for too long.

So, he decided he'd go join him.




Vince sighed, his head leaned back against the edge of the tub. He needed a bit to relax, and this was the best he could do.
He couldn't exactly go out doing what he normally did to relax, not when he had Rody to think about.

So a bath was the next best thing.

The water was warm and soothing, and helped wash any stress he had away. It was nice, and peaceful.

He didn't plan to be long, since he knew Rody was waiting for him, but apparently Rody decided he was taking too long.
Rody walked into the bathroom, immediately getting Vince's attention. Could he seriously not wait half an hour?

"Do you need something Love?" Vince asked, glancing towards Rody, who was standing nervously at the door.
"I was umm.. just wondering, if I could.. join you?" Rody asked nervously, fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt.

Vince paused for a moment, thinking about his answer. Of course he was going to say yes, but he just, needed a moment to do so.

"Of course Rody." He said, smiling softly. He was more than happy to have Rody join him.

Rody smiled softly, and went over to the tub. He began stripping his clothes off, setting them on the floor like he normally did when bathing. He got in next to Vince, sighing softly as the warm water engulfed his body.

Vince hummed, and leaned his head against Rody's shoulder, his eyes closed.

Rody smiled, and wrapped his arms around Vince, pulling him close against his body. He nuzzled his face against his neck, and held him close.
He enjoyed bathing with Vince, it was always so soothing and comforting.

"Was I taking too long for you?" Vince asked suddenly, gaining Rody's attention.
"No, I just got bored, and lonely.." Rody said, kissing along Vince's shoulder gently. He loved kissing Vince's body, he loved touching him in general.

Vince hummed, and leaned his back against Rody's chest.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to join me then." He said, moving his hand to hold Rody's.
Rody smiled softly, and opened his eyes. "I'm glad to.. since I can be with you now." He said, nuzzling his face into the side of Vince's neck.

Vince smiled softly, his eyes opening. He turned to his side slightly, he head laying against Rody's shoulder.

Rody kissed Vince's head, and caressed gentle circles into his skin using his thumbs.

He could feel a bit of stress and tension in Vince's body, and was doing his bed to help relieve it.

He gently placed kisses against Vince's neck and shoulders, humming softly. He ran his hands along his sides and hips, caressing his skin.
He could tell Vince was enjoying it, and he could tell it was helping him feel better.

"Rody.." Vince muttered, his voice soft and quiet.

Rody looked at Vince, humming quietly. "Yes, Vince?" He asked, sitting up a little.
Vince sat up more, and gently pecked Rody's lips.

"I love you.." He muttered, nuzzling his face against Rody's neck. That was the first time he'd said it since- well since they first told each other they loved each other.
Rody blushed, a smile appearing on his lips. He wasn't expecting Vince to tell him he loved him, especially so out of the blue.

They were still getting used to saying it after all, so it was a bit of a surprise.

Rody kissed Vince's head, smiling happily. "I love you too, Vince.." He muttered, holding him close against his body.

Vince smiled, and gently kissed down Rody's neck. He wanted to show affection the same way Rody did, even if he wasn't that good at it.
He hummed, and ran his hands down Rody's chest, gently caressing his skin.

Rody blushed, and shuddered. Vince was touching and kissing him, which he was always so unsure about doing.

It felt nice.

Vince sat up, and faced towels Rody, his face flushed red. He couldn't believe he was doing this.

He wrapped his arms around Rody's neck, and kissed him.

Rody kissed back after a few moments of processing what Vince was doing, and moved his hands to hold his hips gently.
He smiled into the kiss, and pulled Vince closer against his body, enjoying his warmth.

He loved whenever Vince made the first move to something, it was always so nice.

Vince broke the kiss after a few moments, and pulled back slightly. He was always a bit nervous about this kind of stuff, he preferred when Rody took the first step.

But, he wanted to do something different. He wanted to show Rody the same affection he showed towards him.

"Vince?.." Rody muttered, noticing how quiet Vince had suddenly become.
Vince blushed heavily, and buried his face against Rody's chest.

He hated this, but he loved Rody. So, he'd have to suffer with taking the first step.

"Rody.. do you want to.." He trailed off, sitting up again slightly. Rody blushed, immediately understanding what Vince was suggesting.
"I um.. o-of course! Do you um.. want to get out or-" Rody started, but was cut off by Vince.

"No.. we can stay here." Vince said, sitting back up. He couldn't believe he wanted it like this.

Rody smiled nervously, and pecked Vince's lips. "Alright.." He muttered, pulling Vince close in his lap.

He'd make him feel amazing.


[This was mostly a fluff chapter, and the next one will be smut. This is another two parter thing, since I couldn't handle doing the smut in this chapter. Anyway, I do apologize it took a while to get this out, but I hope you enjoyed it.]

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