CHAPTER 1 /// Towers, Spires and even more Towers

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Somewhere, in a vast and grassy landscape, a small tower stands.

At the bottom stood a man named Peppino Spaghetti who had been informed about this tower and its huge wealth, with those treasures he could finally start his Pizzeria as he had always dreamed of doing.
He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the challenge ahead, stepping into the tower.
The gate slammed shut behind him as he entered, and a small, purple porcupine greeted him: "You heard about the rumour too?"

Pep: "Yeah, I was hoping that I could-a still get some of it-a."
Snick: "I don't think we're the only ones after it, old man."
Pep: "Why's that?"
Snick: "Saw some other weirdos come in through the front door."
Snick: "A sentient bell pepper, a living blob of cheese and a man wearing this weird yellow suit on a skateboard."
Pep: "That last-a one, I think I know who that-a is."
Pep: "It's my rival."
Snick: "I feel ya there, I've also got a rival of my own."
Snick: "Enough chit-chat, we've gotta get a move on, pal!"

He charged up a peel-out.
Snick: "Keep up if you can, old man!"
Pep: "I'll try."
The peel-out withers out due to him charging it for too long.
Snick: "Ah yeah, let's get to the first tower!"


Peppino looked around, observing the environment they were in, whilst Snick looked for the main path.
Pep: "Any clue as to how we get up?"
Snick pointed towards a hallway blocked off by fragile wood.
Peppino breaks the blockades bringing them into a small room, Snick jumps over the gap whilst Peppino goes down the ladder.

Snick: "Seems like the treasures aren't as valuable as I thought."
He grabbed the oversized tomato, causing it to suddenly disappear, scaring Snick.
Snick: "WOAH!"
A small screen appeared on his wrist, displaying a few statistics.
Score, Time, Speed and Combo.
The score counter went up by 100.
Snick: "Guess these pizzas are pretty pricey. who would've guessed?"
Peppino sighed and looked down at the metal blocks below.
Pep: "More things to break-a."
Snick: "I got this, move over!"
Peppino steps aside as Snick jumps into the air and slams down on the steel cubes, shattering them.
Snick lands on his feet at the bottom, with Peppino following.
Snick: "This place is bigger than I thought it'd be."
Pep: "I think-a I know where to go next-a."
He points at the ladder.
They climb up it.
Pep: "And how are we gonna get-a through there?"
Snick: "Easy, old man, we run through it!"
He charges another peel-out and release whilst jumping, letting him break the obstacles effortlessly.
Peppino jumps over and starts dashing towards a small hole.
Snick flies straight through and stops at the other side, whilst Peppino slides under it and prepares a super-jump.
He flies upwards, with Snick soon to follow.

Landing at the top, they scout out ahead.

Peppino spots a yellow figure further ahead.
Pep: "Is that-a who I think it is?"
Snick, who was standing on the platform above him, looked down at the man.
Snick: "Yup, same guy."
Peppino screamed at him, causing The Noise to bolt off on his skateboard, Peppino tried to run after him but Snick stopped him.
Snick: "Not worth the effort."
They make their way through the tower, collecting lots of pizzas and beating up living sausages throughout.

Eventually, they make it to the fourth room.
Peppino climbs up the slope and sees a sword, he picks it up and gets hit with lightning, causing him to yelp loudly.
K. Pep: "Ow... that-a stung!"
Snick: "Where'd you get that fancy suit of armour from?"
K. Pep: "I have no idea but-a I can't seem-a to take it off."
Snick breaks through a hidden wall below the slope and spots a metal block.
Snick: "I don't think I can break that one, but I think you can."
Peppino falls, Snick quickly stepping out of the way.
Snick: "Watch where you're falling, Fatman!"
Peppino steps on the metal block and breaks it, plummeting downwards.
Snick: "I'll just wait here on you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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