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It wasn't exactly that Aristidis had a terrible past.

Of course, since Y/n had knowledge from the game, he knew exactly what each love interest's past depicted—specifically, the Crown Prince's. His past really showed how Aristidis became the way he was; though his parents never physically hurt him—they were just emotionally not present. It wasn't like they hated him—but his birth had been the result of an arranged marriage, and they never went out of their way to take care their young child.

Young maids took care of that duty; but none treated him as an equal. Because of the weight of Aristidis's position, many tried to curry favor with him, as well as looked up to him as someone above them. He longed to have someone who would understand him; to be someone's equal. This wasn't exactly in the game—in fact, the game had never mentioned anything about Aristidis wanting that—an equal relationship. Yet, after hours playing the game, Y/n grew to understand the yandere prince's hidden longing.

Aristidis in the game—did not have an equal relationship with Angelina. Angelina, from the start, was enamored with the Crown Prince. However, it became evident to Y/n that Angelina's infatuation with the Crown Prince was not based on a genuine connection but rather on an idealized version of him. She saw him as a prince, a figure of power and status, and failed to see the person he truly was. The Crown Prince was fascinated with her; her actions, her words, her appearance. Perhaps he was obsessed with her, but he never loved her; for his desire to have an equal relationship was never truly sated.

(Hours—days—months, Y/n spent playing the game. Every single waking moment. It was his only solace from his bleak, dreary life in the hospital.)

And now..

He was outside.

With the Crown Prince.

Y/n knew—what he was getting himself into. Essentially, he was fulfilling the Crown Prince's emotional wishes—being an equal to him; something even Angelina couldn't quite fulfill. And would that lead to anything? Perhaps a strong friendship.

A relationship? Of course...not. They were both men.

"You look so.." Aristidis trailed off, "you look so enthralled."

Y/n stopped in his tracks, looking slightly embarrassed.

"I've never seen any of this before—this food stands, these boutiques.." He murmured, "it's all so—as you put, enthralling. And you were the one who dragged me here, Your Highness, I believe you have no right to comment."

"Truly spoiled," Aristidis tilted his head, "have you really never seen any of this? Or is this truly too low class?"

"I was a bit of a shut-in," Y/n didn't bother to mince words, shooting the Crown Prince a glare, "you can't judge. You are a Prince. The firstborn and only son of the Imperial Family—you must have been raised in luxury."

He was a shut in. That wasn't a lie. Confined in the hospital walls, all Y/n had was the game.

"You have a point," Aristidis smirked, "to answer your little jab, yes—I was indeed raised in luxury. Why? Are you jealous?"

"No. Simply annoyed you dragged me here," Y/n grumbled, "when I could be doing—much more—well, productive things."

Looks like Y/n wouldn't be able to find his sister, after all. Thanks to someone.

"Hm?" Aristidis hummed, "like what? Improving your chess skills to beat me, perhaps? I certainly hope so."

Y/n narrowed his eyes playfully, a competitive spirit igniting within him. "Oh, you think you're unbeatable in chess, do you?"

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